Thursday 17 July 2014

Nestle CEO Says Water Is Not a Human Right. We Say No To Water Privatization!

I don’t know what to say… When I first find this information I could not believe it’s true. But while searching for more information I find lots of very disturbing articles from around the world. What is worse, they confirms my fears – Nestle is going to privatize water. And they don’t try to hide it!

In an interview for the documentary We Feed the World, Nestle Chairman Peter Brabeck makes the astonishing claim that water isn’t a human right. He attacks the idea that nature is good, and says it is a great achievement that humans are now able to resist nature’s dominance. He attacks organic agriculture and says genetic modification is better.

Nestlé currently controls more than 70 of the world’s bottled water brands and is a global leader in this lucrative multi-billion dollar market.

SEE ALSO: 10 corporations own almost everything you buy

Nestlé is draining developing countries’ groundwater to make its Pure Life bottled water, destroying countries’ natural resources before forcing its people to buy their own water back.

Here is just one example, among many, of his company’s concern for the public thus far:

In the small Pakistani community of Bhati Dilwan, a former village councilor says children are being sickened by filthy water. Who’s to blame? He says it’s bottled water-maker Nestlé, which dug a deep well that is depriving locals of potable water. “The water is not only very dirty, but the water level sank from 100 to 300 to 400 feet,” Dilwan says. (source)

Why? Because if the community had fresh water piped in, it would deprive Nestlé of its lucrative market. Once again big profits are more important than the health and lives of people. OUR LIVES!

If you do not do something to stop them now, it might be to late.

We can’t do much, only signing online petitions (there are lots of them from around the world!).  I’ve personally stop buying Nestle’s products. And remember our “secret” weapon is our knowlegde! We shouldn’t let them to fool us.

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Nestle CEO Says Water Is Not a Human Right. We Say No To Water Privatization!

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