Sunday 27 July 2014

Beautiful Scenic Self-Portraits Of Adventurous Photographers

When I found this article published by  and saw these stunning pictures my first thought was that this is something that will surely inspire you. If I liked it so much, you should also. In the end, what could be more beautiful than nature?

These extraordinary photographers take you on a fantastic journey and will show the world’s most wonderful places. These are not ordinary self-portraits. Definitely they is something mysterious and a bit of magic in them.

SEE ALSO: 11 autoportraits on LSD

There are so many awe-inspiring self-portraits on 500px. Here are some of them.

If you want to see more photos taken by this talented photographers here are links to their pages:

Alex WiseMax RiveIurie BelegurschiLizzy GaddLeah JohnstonRégis MattheyTomer YaffeAjay Parikh-FrieseIdo MeirovichAron JonssonMichael MattiKarim NafatniCasey McCallisterDylan GehlkenPrajit RavindranMichael Shainblum.

Beautiful Scenic Self-Portraits Of Adventurous Photographers

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