Friday 8 May 2015

University Creates A Special Puppy Room To Help Students With Stress

A puppy room for stressed-out students is being made available May 7th by the University of Lancashire student union’s SOS (Stressed Out Students) campaign. In cooperation with the Guide Dogs charity, students who book a time and make a donation of £1 will have access to the puppies, who will be accompanied by their handlers and have their own “chill room” for when they need a break.

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Since the puppies are being trained as guide-dogs, the event will benefit them, too. “These opportunities give the puppies a chance to get used to being around people, which is great for their development and training to be a successful guide dog,” the student union said.

The puppy room was inspired by a Japanese study proving people perform better on tests if they first spend time with puppies or kittens. The power of kawaii, Japanese for cute, raised scores by as much as 44%. Interestingly, grown cats and dogs didn’t have such a positive effect.

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University Creates A Special Puppy Room To Help Students With Stress

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