Sunday 15 March 2015

Welcome To Chinese Deserted Town

All across China are fully constructed but abandoned cities (no just small cities or towns, but gigantic cities full of modern buildings that are completely empty for the most part!). One of the more famous “modern ghost towns” is the city of Kangbashi in northern China, near the Mongolian border.

When construction began, Kangbashi was intended to become a bustling mega city. Officials planned for Kangbashi to house up to 1,000,000 people. However, current estimates put the population at less than 10 percent of that, between 20,000 and 30,000.

Life in Kangbashi is quiet and unusual in many ways. For example, thanks to the government, the few restaurants in Kangbashi pay no rent. This is so city workers have somewhere to eat. Despite a lack of newcomers and an abundance of available space, construction on the city of Kangbashi still continues.

Welcome to Kangbashi.

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China has had the world’s fastest growing economy for the last several decades. However, even China is not immune to economic downturns, like the 2007 housing bubble and the 2008 crash. Prior to the crash, one of China’s fastest growing industries was construction, particularly in housing. Billions of dollars were poured into this sector with the hope of creating thriving metropolises all over the country.

Sadly, things have not worked out the way people expected.

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Welcome To Chinese Deserted Town

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