Monday 26 January 2015

Thousands Of Pages Of UFO Files Released By US Air Force

Thousands of pages of UFO files released by U.S. Air Force, containing world’s strangest UFO cases. The files relate to USAF investigations from 1947-1969, are available now in 130,000 pages of fully searchable archives in the Project Blue Book Collection. More than 700 cases (5.5 per cent of the files) in Project Blue Book remain unsolved.

According to Military Times: UFO enthusiast John Greenewald has spent nearly two decades filing Freedom of Information Act requests for the government’s files on UFOs and other phenomena. On Jan. 12, Greenewald posted the Blue Book files — as well as files on Blue Book’s 1940s-era predecessors, Project Sign and Project Grudge — on his online database, The Black Vault.

Project Blue Book was based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. Between 1947 and 1969, the Air Force recorded 12,618 sightings of strange phenomena — 701 of which remain “unidentified.”

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Thousands Of Pages Of UFO Files Released By US Air Force

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