Friday 19 June 2015

Gambling awareness ads to take the UK by storm...

Gambling online is becoming so easy to and even easier to register. UK bingo sites are becoming stronger and stronger with more pulling power than ever and are managing to target whole new audiences through their integration onto our smarty phones and technological devices. With this huge rise in online bingo advertising comes a huge rise in gambling addictions, now Senet Group have decided to do something about it and release a series of gambling awareness adverts to help counteract the negative pull of gambling industry giants.

It’s estimated that 1-in-3 people in the UK gamble online with websites like fabulous bingo and other attractive bingo websites.

The Senet Group, for those of you whom aren’t aware is the independent gambling self-regulator, and it has come to attention that it is in fact running some brand new media campaigns in the form of television, online and radio advertising with the aim of reminding people who regularly partake in gambling to be careful with their cash and never bet more than they can comfortably afford to lose. Also they convey that they should never chase a loss, but pack up and move away.

The advertisements are carefully crafted and these particular ones adopt a play-on-words to the famous 1977 Ram Jam song ‘Black Betty’ and they also feature a slightly different lettering in its “When the fun stops stop”. Feeling positive about the new adverts due for release, Ron Finlay, the Chief executive stated that “our research shows that gamblers are getting the message, but we want to keep reinforcing it.” – Ron Finlay, Chief Executive, Senet Group. Moreover on a statement on the Senet Group’s website Finlay goes on to say “We’ve also added guidance to include trackside hoardings shown on TV within the restrictions that apply to TV advertising before the 9pm ‘watershed” in an attempt to tighten everyone’s knowledge upon the subject.

Reminding gamblers that when gambling stops being fun then, they should call it a day Senet group have already invested over £2M this year alone to try and stop gambling addictions in their tracks before they even get chance to surface. “We also know that a number of online operators are developing software to help at-risk gamblers stay in control, and this is an area where Senet intends to develop a greater understanding, with a view to promoting a best practice approach.” – Wanda Goldwag, Chair of gambling industry self-regulator, Senet Group. This shows that working together customers and players will have a much better chance at not losing too much money and the potential younger audience should remain safer in front of the TV ads if they are only shown after 9.

Gambling operators who are members of the Senet group are committed to

  • A voluntary TV advertising ban on sign-up offers (free bets and free money) before 9pm

  • Withdraw all advertising of gaming machines from betting shop windows

  • Dedicate 20% of shop window advertising to responsible gambling messages

Membership of the Senet Group is open to any gambling operator, to find out more information about gambling responsibly or to join, see their website here.

Gambling awareness ads to take the UK by storm...

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