Sunday 21 June 2015

Hairy Armpits Is The Latest Women’s Trend On Instagram

Believe it or not, but armpit hair is the latest trend among women on Instagram. It has become more than a feminist statement. It has become part of popular culture.

For some women, cultivating body hair is a way to protest the beauty and maintenance standards placed upon them by society. What do you think about such trend?

Amazing rainbow pastel hair trend among women
100 years of hair and makeup in a single minute
New trend on Instragram: self portraits after sex

Hairy Armpits Is The Latest Women’s Trend On Instagram

Saturday 20 June 2015

The World’s Most-Spoken Languages

This infographic breaks down the world’s most popular languages and the countries in which they are spoken.

Specifically, the circle represents the 4.1 billion people around the world who speak one of 23 of the world’s most-spoken languages as their native tongue – the numbers of people speaking an actual language in any given country may actually be higher.

How to say hello in 15 different languages
The most emotional surprise of the year: entire neighbourhood secretly learns sign language to surprise deaf neighbor
The most popular second languages spoken around the world


This infographic was created for the South China Morning Post by Alberto Lucas Lopez, an infographic journalist.

The World’s Most-Spoken Languages

Friday 19 June 2015

Gambling awareness ads to take the UK by storm...

Gambling online is becoming so easy to and even easier to register. UK bingo sites are becoming stronger and stronger with more pulling power than ever and are managing to target whole new audiences through their integration onto our smarty phones and technological devices. With this huge rise in online bingo advertising comes a huge rise in gambling addictions, now Senet Group have decided to do something about it and release a series of gambling awareness adverts to help counteract the negative pull of gambling industry giants.

It’s estimated that 1-in-3 people in the UK gamble online with websites like fabulous bingo and other attractive bingo websites.

The Senet Group, for those of you whom aren’t aware is the independent gambling self-regulator, and it has come to attention that it is in fact running some brand new media campaigns in the form of television, online and radio advertising with the aim of reminding people who regularly partake in gambling to be careful with their cash and never bet more than they can comfortably afford to lose. Also they convey that they should never chase a loss, but pack up and move away.

The advertisements are carefully crafted and these particular ones adopt a play-on-words to the famous 1977 Ram Jam song ‘Black Betty’ and they also feature a slightly different lettering in its “When the fun stops stop”. Feeling positive about the new adverts due for release, Ron Finlay, the Chief executive stated that “our research shows that gamblers are getting the message, but we want to keep reinforcing it.” – Ron Finlay, Chief Executive, Senet Group. Moreover on a statement on the Senet Group’s website Finlay goes on to say “We’ve also added guidance to include trackside hoardings shown on TV within the restrictions that apply to TV advertising before the 9pm ‘watershed” in an attempt to tighten everyone’s knowledge upon the subject.

Reminding gamblers that when gambling stops being fun then, they should call it a day Senet group have already invested over £2M this year alone to try and stop gambling addictions in their tracks before they even get chance to surface. “We also know that a number of online operators are developing software to help at-risk gamblers stay in control, and this is an area where Senet intends to develop a greater understanding, with a view to promoting a best practice approach.” – Wanda Goldwag, Chair of gambling industry self-regulator, Senet Group. This shows that working together customers and players will have a much better chance at not losing too much money and the potential younger audience should remain safer in front of the TV ads if they are only shown after 9.

Gambling operators who are members of the Senet group are committed to

  • A voluntary TV advertising ban on sign-up offers (free bets and free money) before 9pm

  • Withdraw all advertising of gaming machines from betting shop windows

  • Dedicate 20% of shop window advertising to responsible gambling messages

Membership of the Senet Group is open to any gambling operator, to find out more information about gambling responsibly or to join, see their website here.

Gambling awareness ads to take the UK by storm...

Belgium Has It Is Own “Text Walking Lanes” For Phone Addicts

After Chongqing in China and Washington DC in US, now Antwerp in Belgium has it’s own “text walking lanes”.

What do you think? Is this a good idea?

This is how smartphones take over our lives
A smartphone detox
13 horrifying facts about your cell phone

Belgium Has It Is Own “Text Walking Lanes” For Phone Addicts

Strange Never-Before-Seen Sea Creatures Discovered 20,000 Feet Under The Sea

These alien-looking creatures were discovered by America’s Ocean Exploration Team on the seafloor near Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The Puerto Rico Trench is deepest trench in the Atlantic Ocean, reaching depths of up to 8,800 m and extending for over 800 km.

95% of the ocean remains unexplored… Many of the these deep-sea dwelling animals are rarely seen, and some creatures were so new that they don’t even have a name. 100 species of fish, 50 species of deep-water corals, and hundreds of other invertebrates were recorded over 12 dives.

Spectacular and terrifying underwater base jump
Creepy deep sea creatures
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More info:

Strange Never-Before-Seen Sea Creatures Discovered 20,000 Feet Under The Sea

Thursday 18 June 2015

The Psychology of Online Poker

There are not many of us out there who do not enjoy winning in one way or another and playing poker is for many an art form, playing the game within the game replete with all of its subtle nuances.

Many games are games of chance and whilst it is true that your cards are random, the psychology behind the game if learned well can make you into a master, and in turn can make you very, very rich.

Poker boasts the largest and richest, long running tournament involving many countries in the industry, having run for over 40 years and making some people instant celebrities and millionaires, just take a look at one of the many news articles available to see what is going on and who is battling it out with who.

There is a great deal of difference when you look at playing poker in a bricks and mortar venue compared to playing the games online, as the intricacies of a good poker strategy are based on knowing your opponent, of guessing correctly how they will react to your actions and learning through these things how to outwit them.

Having a ‘poker face’ is a well-recognised term with deception being at the root of the game.  Players can conceal their thoughts at the table and even change their playing style from aggressive to passive to outwit and un-balance their opponents.

Being aware of your opponent’s strategy then is of utmost importance, so how does a player achieve this when playing online, without being able to physically see any opponent in effect ruling out any reading of emotions or body language?

Even when playing the live games online which take place in a real casino, in real time with a live dealer and with other players does not offer the subtle changes in body movements you would get at a bricks and mortar venue, and it costs the casino site a lot of money to set these types of games up compared to those run by randomly numbered generators (RNG)  These games are however the closest you are going to get to a bricks and mortar game and can be found on only the best quality sites such as Mr Green Casino and the games are well worth some of your time and coinage.

If you cannot detect dishonest behaviour online then the best strategy is to effectively unbalance your opponent by varying your approach and sending out messages that are not the same, being inconsistent is the answer.  You could start by varying the size of your raises so that your opponent cannot  interpret your betting pattern which in turn reduces the chance that they couple exploit an y weakness you may have.

Use the chat box.  When you use the chat box whoever you are speaking to will view you less as a threat and more as a friend, and is less inclined to do bad things, plus it is possible that they will underestimate your hand, of course this principle could also be used in the opposite way as if you insult your opponent or boast about how great you are you run the risk of angering them, and overheated emotions can often lead to showdowns, putting your opponent on tilt.

Knowing how to ‘get to your opponent’ and how to read them as best as you can will also prove useful if these tactics are used against you, and if you sense that your opponent is using one of these techniques then you will automatically know that they cannot be trusted.


The Psychology of Online Poker

The Best Windshield Notes Left For Terrible Drivers

Terrible drivers are the worst! But they don’t piss people off as much as terrible parkers.

Don’t park like a jerk or you will pay the price
Cars of Cuba
The strangest driving laws around the world

The Best Windshield Notes Left For Terrible Drivers

Extraordinary Photos of Soviet Abandoned Space Shuttle Prototypes

Ralph Mirebs, an urban explorer and photographer in Russia, has revealed extraordinary photos of Soviet space shuttle prototypes gathering dust in an abandoned hangar in Kazakhstan.

The Buran prototype shuttles found by Mirebs, however, are from an earlier era – they are the last remnants of a space program that began in 1974 and was finally shuttered in 1993. The only operational Buran shuttle, Orbiter 1K1, completed one unmanned orbital flight before it was grounded. Unfortunately, this shuttle was destroyed in a hangar collapse in 2002.

Hopefully, MIrebs’ photos will inspire the Russian government to put these shuttles in a museum where they belong.

Russia is hoping to transform the ISS into the ultimate tourist destination
100 most epic pictures from Hubble Telescope
Unpublished Challenger disaster photos

Extraordinary Photos of Soviet Abandoned Space Shuttle Prototypes

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Hilarious 1970s Men’s Fashion Ads

These photos of men’s fashions from that decade leave us drowning in all kinds of fashion faux pas that defy description 40 years later. The 1970s must have been a weird time…

What it was really like to fly in 1970s
Space colony art from the 1970s
The assembly line of Porsche 911s at the Stuttgart Factory, 1970

Hilarious 1970s Men’s Fashion Ads

This Graphic Kids Book From 1975 Shows How Babies Are Made

This book completely skips the talk about the birds and the bees and leaves nothing to the imagination.

This book is freaking everyone out. The fuss all started when Crysta-Mai Elassaad shared photos of the book on Facebook. 160,000 shares later, adults who almost certainly know how a baby is made were calling the book everything from traumatising to creepy to absolutely hilarious.

Totally inappropriate children’s books
Hilarious books you wish you had just for fun
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This Graphic Kids Book From 1975 Shows How Babies Are Made

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Creative Advertising Campaigns That Grab Your Attention

Companies trying to sell you a product will do anything to cram their ads down your throat, but it’s always nice when they show a bit of creativity and taste when trying to get your attention.

You won’t forget these products after seeing these in your face advertising campaigns.

Cool ads that redefine clever advertising
These can’t be real: absolutely insane vintage magazine ads
Ads that tell the truth about the world we live in
Drastic campaign ads promoting environmental protection
Striking ad campaigns about endangered species

Creative Advertising Campaigns That Grab Your Attention

Psychological Facts That Could Come In Handy

The key to figuring out what isn’t working in your life is understanding some basic psychological facts about yourself.

Did you know that talking to yourself helps you perform tasks better? Just don’t overdue it, people might think you’re crazy.

The psychology of lying
Hack your brains default mode with meditation
Are you a psychopath? Take the test

Psychological Facts That Could Come In Handy

Monday 15 June 2015

Real People That Look Way Too Similar To Movie And TV Characters

Yes, it’s kinda weird, but for some incredible coincidence there are people looking exactly like fictional characters from motion pictures.

It must be nice to get mistaken for a famous celebrity or movie character. But it’s probably not as fun when someone thinks you’re Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.

Celebrities and their historical doppelgangers
Russian doppelgangers of the famous people
This is what happens to people who share their names with celebrities

Real People That Look Way Too Similar To Movie And TV Characters

First Photos Of Mulder And Scully Together Again On The X-Files Set

Fans were absolutely thrilled when they learned that Fox was bringing the “X-Files” back for a limited run next year. That means everyone would get a chance to see their favorite paranormal partners together again.

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully recently reunited on the set of the show to begin filming their first scenes together, and the reunion was everything we imagined it would be and more.

10 facts that you thought were true
Auction props from Hollywood movies
Mixing famous movies with real life

First Photos Of Mulder And Scully Together Again On The X-Files Set

This Is What Classic Art Look Like Without The Gluten

Gluten Free Museum is a Tumblr dedicated to removing all gluten products from famous works of art. Gluten is more culturally important than you ever imagined, so if you removed it… Just see for yourself.

Amazing pictures photoshopped afer all
Faces photoshopped to reveal perfect symmetrical features
Photos of female celebrities with and without retouching


Friday 12 June 2015

Building One World Trade Center: 11 Years in 2 Minutes

Watch this amazing 11-year timelapse that shows the construction of One World Trade Center from October 2004 to Memorial Day 2015. The video was created to celebrate the opening of One World Observatory in New York City.

The world outside my window: time-lapse of earth from the ISS
Europe history time-lapse map: 6013 years in 3 minutes
Birds eye view of NYC

Building One World Trade Center: 11 Years in 2 Minutes

Young Inventor’s Idea For How To Make Ocean Clean Itself Will Be Launched In Japan

How to rid the oceans of the millions of tons of plastic garbage that circle along their currents? Boyan Slat, a 20-year-old innovator in the Netherlands, has novel approach to the problem and there’s a good chance he just might succeed.

Leonardo DiCaprio throws 7 million into the ocean
Great Pacific garbage patch
Heartbreaking photos of pollution to inspire you to recycle

The massive rotating currents in the world’s oceans make collecting or even monitoring garbage difficult, but Slat’s Ocean Cleanup Foundation is developing a way to use those currents to its advantage. Slat envisions long-distance arrays of floats that would skim garbage from the surface while allowing aquatic life and the currents themselves to pass by underneath. The company estimates that a 100km stationary cleanup array could remove 42% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch over 10 years, representing a total of 70,320,000kg of plastic waste. For now, they’re installing a 2,000m trial system in Japan, which will become the longest floating structure in the world when completed.

There are some technical issues with the plan, which were brought up in a review by However, we hope that Slat works the kinks out of his plan and achieves his visionary goals!

For more information please visit | Facebook | Twitter

Young Inventor’s Idea For How To Make Ocean Clean Itself Will Be Launched In Japan

Thursday 11 June 2015

Box That Shows Weather On Your Table With Real Rain And Clouds

Ken Kawamoto, a software engineer by day and gadget inventor by night, likes to “break the barrier between the digital world and the real world ,” and he has done just that with his latest invention – the Tempescope. This little box can create real raindrops and clouds and simulate lightning and sunlight to show you the weather forecast or real-time weather display. Unfortunately, the box doesn’t create snow!

The device interfaces with internet forecasts and weather programs, meaning that you can use it to tell you what the weather will be like tomorrow.

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Terrifying beauty of storm clouds
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Kawamoto has released the code and schematics for his device on open source, meaning that anyone with the technical chops can make one for themselves. For the rest of us, he will be launching a crowdfunding campaign later this year.

For more information please visit | Facebook | Twitter

Box That Shows Weather On Your Table With Real Rain And Clouds

Real Life Prison Breake. Two Convicts Escaped From Prison Using Power Tools

Convicted murderers David Sweat, 34, and Richard Matt, 48 made a “Shawshank Redemption” style escape from Clinton Correctional Facility in New York on Saturday. They used power tools to break out of prison and now the police have called for a nationwide manhunt in hopes of tracking the two down.

NY state offers $100,000 reward for capture of escaped prisoners.

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Inventive things found inside a prison cell
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Real Life Prison Breake. Two Convicts Escaped From Prison Using Power Tools

These People Obviously Don't Take Safety Seriously

If you have bad habits like these people and you don’t practice safety in the workplace, you’re probably not going to live very long.

Please don’t get any ideas from those guys! They are just begging for a Darwin Award.

Health and safety you’re-doing it wrong
People who definitely deserve a Darwin Award
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These People Obviously Don't Take Safety Seriously