Sunday 21 June 2015

Hairy Armpits Is The Latest Women’s Trend On Instagram

Believe it or not, but armpit hair is the latest trend among women on Instagram. It has become more than a feminist statement. It has become part of popular culture.

For some women, cultivating body hair is a way to protest the beauty and maintenance standards placed upon them by society. What do you think about such trend?

Amazing rainbow pastel hair trend among women
100 years of hair and makeup in a single minute
New trend on Instragram: self portraits after sex

Hairy Armpits Is The Latest Women’s Trend On Instagram

Saturday 20 June 2015

The World’s Most-Spoken Languages

This infographic breaks down the world’s most popular languages and the countries in which they are spoken.

Specifically, the circle represents the 4.1 billion people around the world who speak one of 23 of the world’s most-spoken languages as their native tongue – the numbers of people speaking an actual language in any given country may actually be higher.

How to say hello in 15 different languages
The most emotional surprise of the year: entire neighbourhood secretly learns sign language to surprise deaf neighbor
The most popular second languages spoken around the world


This infographic was created for the South China Morning Post by Alberto Lucas Lopez, an infographic journalist.

The World’s Most-Spoken Languages

Friday 19 June 2015

Gambling awareness ads to take the UK by storm...

Gambling online is becoming so easy to and even easier to register. UK bingo sites are becoming stronger and stronger with more pulling power than ever and are managing to target whole new audiences through their integration onto our smarty phones and technological devices. With this huge rise in online bingo advertising comes a huge rise in gambling addictions, now Senet Group have decided to do something about it and release a series of gambling awareness adverts to help counteract the negative pull of gambling industry giants.

It’s estimated that 1-in-3 people in the UK gamble online with websites like fabulous bingo and other attractive bingo websites.

The Senet Group, for those of you whom aren’t aware is the independent gambling self-regulator, and it has come to attention that it is in fact running some brand new media campaigns in the form of television, online and radio advertising with the aim of reminding people who regularly partake in gambling to be careful with their cash and never bet more than they can comfortably afford to lose. Also they convey that they should never chase a loss, but pack up and move away.

The advertisements are carefully crafted and these particular ones adopt a play-on-words to the famous 1977 Ram Jam song ‘Black Betty’ and they also feature a slightly different lettering in its “When the fun stops stop”. Feeling positive about the new adverts due for release, Ron Finlay, the Chief executive stated that “our research shows that gamblers are getting the message, but we want to keep reinforcing it.” – Ron Finlay, Chief Executive, Senet Group. Moreover on a statement on the Senet Group’s website Finlay goes on to say “We’ve also added guidance to include trackside hoardings shown on TV within the restrictions that apply to TV advertising before the 9pm ‘watershed” in an attempt to tighten everyone’s knowledge upon the subject.

Reminding gamblers that when gambling stops being fun then, they should call it a day Senet group have already invested over £2M this year alone to try and stop gambling addictions in their tracks before they even get chance to surface. “We also know that a number of online operators are developing software to help at-risk gamblers stay in control, and this is an area where Senet intends to develop a greater understanding, with a view to promoting a best practice approach.” – Wanda Goldwag, Chair of gambling industry self-regulator, Senet Group. This shows that working together customers and players will have a much better chance at not losing too much money and the potential younger audience should remain safer in front of the TV ads if they are only shown after 9.

Gambling operators who are members of the Senet group are committed to

  • A voluntary TV advertising ban on sign-up offers (free bets and free money) before 9pm

  • Withdraw all advertising of gaming machines from betting shop windows

  • Dedicate 20% of shop window advertising to responsible gambling messages

Membership of the Senet Group is open to any gambling operator, to find out more information about gambling responsibly or to join, see their website here.

Gambling awareness ads to take the UK by storm...

Belgium Has It Is Own “Text Walking Lanes” For Phone Addicts

After Chongqing in China and Washington DC in US, now Antwerp in Belgium has it’s own “text walking lanes”.

What do you think? Is this a good idea?

This is how smartphones take over our lives
A smartphone detox
13 horrifying facts about your cell phone

Belgium Has It Is Own “Text Walking Lanes” For Phone Addicts

Strange Never-Before-Seen Sea Creatures Discovered 20,000 Feet Under The Sea

These alien-looking creatures were discovered by America’s Ocean Exploration Team on the seafloor near Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The Puerto Rico Trench is deepest trench in the Atlantic Ocean, reaching depths of up to 8,800 m and extending for over 800 km.

95% of the ocean remains unexplored… Many of the these deep-sea dwelling animals are rarely seen, and some creatures were so new that they don’t even have a name. 100 species of fish, 50 species of deep-water corals, and hundreds of other invertebrates were recorded over 12 dives.

Spectacular and terrifying underwater base jump
Creepy deep sea creatures
World’s 10 most mysterious underwater anomalies

More info:

Strange Never-Before-Seen Sea Creatures Discovered 20,000 Feet Under The Sea

Thursday 18 June 2015

The Psychology of Online Poker

There are not many of us out there who do not enjoy winning in one way or another and playing poker is for many an art form, playing the game within the game replete with all of its subtle nuances.

Many games are games of chance and whilst it is true that your cards are random, the psychology behind the game if learned well can make you into a master, and in turn can make you very, very rich.

Poker boasts the largest and richest, long running tournament involving many countries in the industry, having run for over 40 years and making some people instant celebrities and millionaires, just take a look at one of the many news articles available to see what is going on and who is battling it out with who.

There is a great deal of difference when you look at playing poker in a bricks and mortar venue compared to playing the games online, as the intricacies of a good poker strategy are based on knowing your opponent, of guessing correctly how they will react to your actions and learning through these things how to outwit them.

Having a ‘poker face’ is a well-recognised term with deception being at the root of the game.  Players can conceal their thoughts at the table and even change their playing style from aggressive to passive to outwit and un-balance their opponents.

Being aware of your opponent’s strategy then is of utmost importance, so how does a player achieve this when playing online, without being able to physically see any opponent in effect ruling out any reading of emotions or body language?

Even when playing the live games online which take place in a real casino, in real time with a live dealer and with other players does not offer the subtle changes in body movements you would get at a bricks and mortar venue, and it costs the casino site a lot of money to set these types of games up compared to those run by randomly numbered generators (RNG)  These games are however the closest you are going to get to a bricks and mortar game and can be found on only the best quality sites such as Mr Green Casino and the games are well worth some of your time and coinage.

If you cannot detect dishonest behaviour online then the best strategy is to effectively unbalance your opponent by varying your approach and sending out messages that are not the same, being inconsistent is the answer.  You could start by varying the size of your raises so that your opponent cannot  interpret your betting pattern which in turn reduces the chance that they couple exploit an y weakness you may have.

Use the chat box.  When you use the chat box whoever you are speaking to will view you less as a threat and more as a friend, and is less inclined to do bad things, plus it is possible that they will underestimate your hand, of course this principle could also be used in the opposite way as if you insult your opponent or boast about how great you are you run the risk of angering them, and overheated emotions can often lead to showdowns, putting your opponent on tilt.

Knowing how to ‘get to your opponent’ and how to read them as best as you can will also prove useful if these tactics are used against you, and if you sense that your opponent is using one of these techniques then you will automatically know that they cannot be trusted.


The Psychology of Online Poker

The Best Windshield Notes Left For Terrible Drivers

Terrible drivers are the worst! But they don’t piss people off as much as terrible parkers.

Don’t park like a jerk or you will pay the price
Cars of Cuba
The strangest driving laws around the world

The Best Windshield Notes Left For Terrible Drivers

Extraordinary Photos of Soviet Abandoned Space Shuttle Prototypes

Ralph Mirebs, an urban explorer and photographer in Russia, has revealed extraordinary photos of Soviet space shuttle prototypes gathering dust in an abandoned hangar in Kazakhstan.

The Buran prototype shuttles found by Mirebs, however, are from an earlier era – they are the last remnants of a space program that began in 1974 and was finally shuttered in 1993. The only operational Buran shuttle, Orbiter 1K1, completed one unmanned orbital flight before it was grounded. Unfortunately, this shuttle was destroyed in a hangar collapse in 2002.

Hopefully, MIrebs’ photos will inspire the Russian government to put these shuttles in a museum where they belong.

Russia is hoping to transform the ISS into the ultimate tourist destination
100 most epic pictures from Hubble Telescope
Unpublished Challenger disaster photos

Extraordinary Photos of Soviet Abandoned Space Shuttle Prototypes

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Hilarious 1970s Men’s Fashion Ads

These photos of men’s fashions from that decade leave us drowning in all kinds of fashion faux pas that defy description 40 years later. The 1970s must have been a weird time…

What it was really like to fly in 1970s
Space colony art from the 1970s
The assembly line of Porsche 911s at the Stuttgart Factory, 1970

Hilarious 1970s Men’s Fashion Ads

This Graphic Kids Book From 1975 Shows How Babies Are Made

This book completely skips the talk about the birds and the bees and leaves nothing to the imagination.

This book is freaking everyone out. The fuss all started when Crysta-Mai Elassaad shared photos of the book on Facebook. 160,000 shares later, adults who almost certainly know how a baby is made were calling the book everything from traumatising to creepy to absolutely hilarious.

Totally inappropriate children’s books
Hilarious books you wish you had just for fun
The most bizarre books ever written

This Graphic Kids Book From 1975 Shows How Babies Are Made

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Creative Advertising Campaigns That Grab Your Attention

Companies trying to sell you a product will do anything to cram their ads down your throat, but it’s always nice when they show a bit of creativity and taste when trying to get your attention.

You won’t forget these products after seeing these in your face advertising campaigns.

Cool ads that redefine clever advertising
These can’t be real: absolutely insane vintage magazine ads
Ads that tell the truth about the world we live in
Drastic campaign ads promoting environmental protection
Striking ad campaigns about endangered species

Creative Advertising Campaigns That Grab Your Attention

Psychological Facts That Could Come In Handy

The key to figuring out what isn’t working in your life is understanding some basic psychological facts about yourself.

Did you know that talking to yourself helps you perform tasks better? Just don’t overdue it, people might think you’re crazy.

The psychology of lying
Hack your brains default mode with meditation
Are you a psychopath? Take the test

Psychological Facts That Could Come In Handy

Monday 15 June 2015

Real People That Look Way Too Similar To Movie And TV Characters

Yes, it’s kinda weird, but for some incredible coincidence there are people looking exactly like fictional characters from motion pictures.

It must be nice to get mistaken for a famous celebrity or movie character. But it’s probably not as fun when someone thinks you’re Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.

Celebrities and their historical doppelgangers
Russian doppelgangers of the famous people
This is what happens to people who share their names with celebrities

Real People That Look Way Too Similar To Movie And TV Characters

First Photos Of Mulder And Scully Together Again On The X-Files Set

Fans were absolutely thrilled when they learned that Fox was bringing the “X-Files” back for a limited run next year. That means everyone would get a chance to see their favorite paranormal partners together again.

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully recently reunited on the set of the show to begin filming their first scenes together, and the reunion was everything we imagined it would be and more.

10 facts that you thought were true
Auction props from Hollywood movies
Mixing famous movies with real life

First Photos Of Mulder And Scully Together Again On The X-Files Set

This Is What Classic Art Look Like Without The Gluten

Gluten Free Museum is a Tumblr dedicated to removing all gluten products from famous works of art. Gluten is more culturally important than you ever imagined, so if you removed it… Just see for yourself.

Amazing pictures photoshopped afer all
Faces photoshopped to reveal perfect symmetrical features
Photos of female celebrities with and without retouching


Friday 12 June 2015

Building One World Trade Center: 11 Years in 2 Minutes

Watch this amazing 11-year timelapse that shows the construction of One World Trade Center from October 2004 to Memorial Day 2015. The video was created to celebrate the opening of One World Observatory in New York City.

The world outside my window: time-lapse of earth from the ISS
Europe history time-lapse map: 6013 years in 3 minutes
Birds eye view of NYC

Building One World Trade Center: 11 Years in 2 Minutes

Young Inventor’s Idea For How To Make Ocean Clean Itself Will Be Launched In Japan

How to rid the oceans of the millions of tons of plastic garbage that circle along their currents? Boyan Slat, a 20-year-old innovator in the Netherlands, has novel approach to the problem and there’s a good chance he just might succeed.

Leonardo DiCaprio throws 7 million into the ocean
Great Pacific garbage patch
Heartbreaking photos of pollution to inspire you to recycle

The massive rotating currents in the world’s oceans make collecting or even monitoring garbage difficult, but Slat’s Ocean Cleanup Foundation is developing a way to use those currents to its advantage. Slat envisions long-distance arrays of floats that would skim garbage from the surface while allowing aquatic life and the currents themselves to pass by underneath. The company estimates that a 100km stationary cleanup array could remove 42% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch over 10 years, representing a total of 70,320,000kg of plastic waste. For now, they’re installing a 2,000m trial system in Japan, which will become the longest floating structure in the world when completed.

There are some technical issues with the plan, which were brought up in a review by However, we hope that Slat works the kinks out of his plan and achieves his visionary goals!

For more information please visit | Facebook | Twitter

Young Inventor’s Idea For How To Make Ocean Clean Itself Will Be Launched In Japan

Thursday 11 June 2015

Box That Shows Weather On Your Table With Real Rain And Clouds

Ken Kawamoto, a software engineer by day and gadget inventor by night, likes to “break the barrier between the digital world and the real world ,” and he has done just that with his latest invention – the Tempescope. This little box can create real raindrops and clouds and simulate lightning and sunlight to show you the weather forecast or real-time weather display. Unfortunately, the box doesn’t create snow!

The device interfaces with internet forecasts and weather programs, meaning that you can use it to tell you what the weather will be like tomorrow.

Make thunderstorm inside your living room with this interactive cloud shaped lamp
Terrifying beauty of storm clouds
The most unusual weather events

Kawamoto has released the code and schematics for his device on open source, meaning that anyone with the technical chops can make one for themselves. For the rest of us, he will be launching a crowdfunding campaign later this year.

For more information please visit | Facebook | Twitter

Box That Shows Weather On Your Table With Real Rain And Clouds

Real Life Prison Breake. Two Convicts Escaped From Prison Using Power Tools

Convicted murderers David Sweat, 34, and Richard Matt, 48 made a “Shawshank Redemption” style escape from Clinton Correctional Facility in New York on Saturday. They used power tools to break out of prison and now the police have called for a nationwide manhunt in hopes of tracking the two down.

NY state offers $100,000 reward for capture of escaped prisoners.

Inside the worlds most humane prison
Inventive things found inside a prison cell
Terryfing life inside North Koreas prison camps shown on survivors sketches

Real Life Prison Breake. Two Convicts Escaped From Prison Using Power Tools

These People Obviously Don't Take Safety Seriously

If you have bad habits like these people and you don’t practice safety in the workplace, you’re probably not going to live very long.

Please don’t get any ideas from those guys! They are just begging for a Darwin Award.

Health and safety you’re-doing it wrong
People who definitely deserve a Darwin Award
Darwin Awards 2013: the biggest idiots of the year

These People Obviously Don't Take Safety Seriously

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Anti Logos For World Cup 2022 in Qatar

FIFA’s decision to hold the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar is drawing more and more criticism as more and more allegations of everything from bribery and financial mismanagement to slavery and deadly work conditions pile up. 900 workers have died during construction for the Qatar world cup, and some estimate that this number will rise to 4,000 before they’re finished.

SEE ALSO: Brazilian anti-fifa street art expresses outrage over World Cup

Migrant workers’ passports are often confiscated upon entry into Qatar, and they require exist visas to leave. Many reports indicate that these workers cannot leave the country and that their employers can hold back pay almost indefinitely. This has hit Nepalese workers especially hard recently, as many of them have been refused the chance to return home after the earthquakes that devastated Nepal. The intense heat in Qatar (which can reach 50C – or 122F) not only makes things hard on the laborers, it also means that the actual cup had to be moved to the winter, which will disrupt other sports organizations around the world.

A few people have begun drawing and sharing anti-advertisements featuring major sponsors that continue to support the World Cup. Take a look!

via boredpanda

Anti Logos For World Cup 2022 in Qatar

Tiny Eco-Home Lets You Live Off The Grid Anywhere

Ecocapsules, designed by Bratislava-based Nice Architects, promise to let anyone live off the grid for up to a year.

Each capsule is equipped with solar panels, a retractable wind-turbine, and a design that captures rain water. Inside, you’ll find a kitchenette with running water, a flushing toilet, and hot shower. In 2016 you will be able to live off the grid in one of these Ecocapsules. These pods could be deployed anywhere in case of emergency.

For more information please visit | | Facebook | Twitter

Modern eco-friendly homes set amongst the trees
New chapter in private homes design: extraordinary pyramid house
Find your space in these small and efficient homes

Tiny Eco-Home Lets You Live Off The Grid Anywhere

Stunning Seaside Murals

Hawaii-born painter and street artist Sean Yoro (a.k.a. Hula) has created a stunning series of street art murals depicting women emerging from the water along the concrete walls of ruined and abandoned structures. At home on the water, he paddles on a surfboard to reach the best locations for his art, even managing to balance his paint cans as well.

For more pictures and information please visit artist’s website | Instagram

Stunning mind bending urban art from Teheran
Amazing multi layered graffiti murals of popular expressions
Beautiful building sized street art portraits by Natalia Rak

Stunning Seaside Murals

You’re Never Too Old To Have Fun

These funny and heart-warming photos of seniors having fun prove that it’s never too late to have a good time.

Old people dressed like hipsters
When young people and old people swap clothes
Badass old people
Surprising health secrets from the oldest people on earth

You’re Never Too Old To Have Fun

Monday 25 May 2015

World’s First ‘Phodographer’ Dog

The Nikon came up with new “Heartography” heart monitor and photo camera system, that let dogs show their owners what excites and interests them by snapping a photo from their point of view every time their heart rate goes up.

The heart rate monitor can be worn on a strap around the dog’s neck. The camera is worn on the dog’s chest with the help of a harness, and the two communicate with Bluetooth. When the dog’s heartrate goes up – which can be when he’s excited or afraid – the camera snaps a picture! It’s not yet clear if the system will be available for sale.

No more woof: small gadget to translate animal thoughts into humanlanguage
Meet one australian postman and his unique way of dealing with dogs
Cats and dogs with their famous humans

The first “phodographer” to use Nikon’s new system was a dog named Grizzler, who stars in their promotional video. Take a look!

World’s First ‘Phodographer’ Dog

Pictures That Will Melt Your Heart

This is how we change the world. One random act of kindness at a time.

If you don’t smile or get all warm and fuzzy inside when you look at these pictures, there might be something wrong with you.

Heart warming pictures of people saving animals
Heartwarming animal stories
Love is in small things

Pictures That Will Melt Your Heart

There's Two Sides To Every Story - Man's Post About Cheating Girlfriend

You might feel bad for this man when find out what his girlfriend did, but you won’t feel bad at all after you hear her side of the story.

What we say vs what we think
When cheaters get exposed on facebook



There's Two Sides To Every Story - Man's Post About Cheating Girlfriend

How To Make Sushi Shaped Like Panda Bears

For the creative mind, anything can be made into art – even a dish as specific and traditional as sushi.

Yummy, healthy and adorable, these rounded creatures are simply made from a sticky rice ball (onigiri) and cut out nori algae, as well as some pickled ginger for a dash of color, taste and decoration. To make these kawaii pandas you need to cook some short grain sushi rice the Japanes.

We hope this inspires you to try your hand at sushi art.

Some of the craziest japanese soda flavors
Fried maple leaves – tasty japanese autumn snack
English for the japanese – learn the correct way to use the f-word


How To Make Sushi Shaped Like Panda Bears

Sunday 24 May 2015

Weird Superstitions Around The World

Superstitions are a big part of thousands of people’s daily lives. Some superstitious beliefs are far stranger than others as the entries on this list show.

Are you superstitious?

32 superstition origins
25 most popular superstitions around the world

Weird Superstitions Around The World

Saturday 23 May 2015

Meet Voytek The Bear That Was Raised By Soldiers

Voytek is a bear that lived a life unlike any other before or after him. Voytek was officially an enlisted as a soldier in the Polish Army and became a dear friend to the humans who raised him.

Bizarre video captures bear walking like a human
Real hero saves one of the most dangerous animals on earth
The winners of the 2013 National Geographic photo contest

Meet Voytek The Bear That Was Raised By Soldiers

These Cities Have Gone Through Incredible Transformations Over The Years

As civilizations evolve so do the cities their citizens live in. These modern day megalopolises all had to start from some where and these picture capture the evolution and growth of some of our worlds largest and most modern cities.

Most of these city skylines are now iconic but they weren’t always so recognizable.

Cities seen from space
10 of the worlds deadliest cities
Night on earth: biggest cities without power

These Cities Have Gone Through Incredible Transformations Over The Years

Friday 22 May 2015

Wise Words From History's Greatest Writers

These writers were full of some much knowledge and wisdom. There’s a reason why people still quote them on a regular basis.

Motivational quotes that will inspire you to succeed
The best of Einstein’s quotes
Famous quotes on friendship

Wise Words From History's Greatest Writers

Amazing Time-Lapse: Bees Hatch Before Your Eyes

Witness the eerily beautiful growth of larvae into bees in this mesmerizing time-lapse video from photographer Anand Varma. Varma said the six-month project, for which he built a beehive in his workshop, gave him a new respect for the meticulous job of beekeeping.

Honey gatherers of Nepal
Magnificent bees
Tiny sensors monitor honey bee behaviour
What happens if all the bees die

Varma raised bees in his backyard — in front of a camera — to get an up close view. The project, for National Geographic, gives a glimpse into a bee hive — and reveals one of the biggest threats to its health, a mite that preys on baby bees in the first 21 days of life. Check out the full talk embedded below and read the full National Geographic article, Quest for a Superbee, here.

Amazing Time-Lapse: Bees Hatch Before Your Eyes

Restored Vintage Photos Come Back To Life

When looking back at history we only have a view of how things were in black and white, until now. In the age of graphic design many  photoshoppers are now going through the archives of history and colorizing photos to give us an idea of what things really looked like.

It’s amazing how much difference a little bit of color can make.

Colorizing the Civil War
Colorizing history
Famous moments in history as seen from a differet perspective

Restored Vintage Photos Come Back To Life

How the Technology has Changed the Humble Board Game

If you cast your mind back to previous generations, the concept of entertainment was scarcely recognisable in comparison with today’s technology-inspired age. Without a multitude of television channels to choose from and the digital age still but a distant dream, families and friends interacted in more traditional ways that are increasingly alien in 2015.

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As a result, board games were extremely popular during this period. The development of these entities heralded the dawn of table top games, which established gaming patterns that have remained commonplace to this day. The only difference is that these patterns have now been translated into digital formats, and are therefore accessible online.


This has been a steady and gradual evolution, although there have been innovations that have accelerated this process in the last five years. The result of this is that online and mobile gaming experiences are now capable of authentically replicating real-world environments and interactions, creating a seamless blur between the physical and virtual worlds. This trend is prevalent across all forms of gaming, from classic board games to the worlds’ most popular casino titles.

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So how exactly has technology changed the nature of table top games? Primarily, it has captured the intimacy and personal interaction associated with table top and board games, as players compete directly in a warm and familiar environment. It has also used advanced software and hardware to enable remote interaction between players, while also offering more realistic graphics and sound effects. From the development of 4G smartphones to the world’s first virtual reality (VR) headsets (such as Microsoft’s innovative HoloLens), players can now interact in a live, three-dimensional environment that adds authenticity to the whole gaming experience.

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This evolution has changed table top games beyond all recognition, especially popular titles such as roulette, blackjack and poker. These games, which were once exclusive to homes and land-based casinos across the world, are now accessible across a range of websites and mobile platforms.

In addition to this, they also offer an exciting and immersive gaming experience that replicates real world environments. This means that experiences such as live roulette can now be enjoyed in a realistic casino landscape that is created in the comfort of your own home, while the fast pace and quality of dealer interaction also adds to the sense of authenticity.

How the Technology has Changed the Humble Board Game

3 Interesting Facts about Energy Efficient and Sustainable Living

While everyone understands the importance of energy efficient living and sustainability, there is less knowledge surrounding the practical application of existing measures. This is a huge issue, as it creates a knowledge gap that is extremely difficult to bridge with dedicated advice. In fact, there are a number of surprising facts and facets about energy efficient living, each of which will help you to take a small but actionable step towards modifying your property for the better.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at three of these facts and how they should influence your plans.

Solar Power will Generate Higher Savings as Electricity Prices Rise


If you do have the necessary money to invest in solar power and similar measures, you can benefit from huge long-term savings. What you may not know is that there are many variables that effect the ROI of solar power, although the outlook for the next fifteen years in extremely favourable. This is because your savings will increase as electricity prices rise, and tariffs are set to increase by a yearly average of 2.6% between now and 2030. This makes a compelling argument for solar power especially if you have the money to invest in this.

Thermally Lined Curtains Reduce Energy Loss through Windows


Like solar power, double glazing is something that may remain beyond the reach of some household budgets. There is a lower cost alternative that can help to eliminate your emissions and help to maintain a warmer home during the winter months, however, as using thermally lined curtains can help reduce the heat and energy lost from your windows. This is an interesting point to note, as these products can be purchased cheaply for home and décor stores and are extremely easy to install.

Laptops are 85% more Energy Efficient than Desktop Computers


This is a staggering statistic, and one that is likely to surprise even knowledgeable Eco-experts. The fact that laptops are 85% more energy efficient than desktops translates into an estimated saving of £17 per year, although this could be higher depending on your level of usage. By switching these devices and following a similar suit with other gadgets and electrical appliances, you can save huge amounts of your hard-earned money over the course of the typical year.

3 Interesting Facts about Energy Efficient and Sustainable Living

Doctors Post Pics Defending Med Residents Caught Sleeping

A Mexican blog recent posted a picture of medical resident sleeping at a desk in Monterrey, Mexico. She was immediately attacked for not doing her job and now doctors are coming to her defense. They’re posting pictures of the areas where medical workers are actually allowed to sleep and they’re not much better than a desk.

What if you stopped sleeping
8 sleeping positions and their effects on health
If you are japanese businessmen and you are drunk you can sleep anywhere

Doctors Post Pics Defending Med Residents Caught Sleeping

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Fine Your Space In These Small and Efficient Homes

Small and efficient homes, whether in the city, out in the country or even on the road, are becoming more and more popular. Interior design innovations are helping more and more people realize that, sometimes, less can be more!

Architecture of the future
World’s strangest buildings
Charles Jenck’s intricate landscape art

Fine Your Space In These Small and Efficient Homes

Animals Eating Berries That Look Like Horror Movie Monsters

Despite you might think, these animals are not zombies. They just can’t resist a sweet berry taste.

Bizarre video captures bear walking like a human
Cute arctic foxes
The winners of the 2013 National Geographic photo contest

Animals Eating Berries That Look Like Horror Movie Monsters

This Is How Giraffes Sleep

Take a good look at these giraffe nap pics, because you won’t often catch a giraffe sleeping. Until the 1950s, researchers believed that giraffes don’t sleep at all.

In fact, despite being the tallest animal, giraffes have the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal, sleeping an average of just 30 minutes per day. And when they do sleep, usually it’s just for a few minutes.

How animals drink their water
Weird hybrid animals that actually exist
Some of the worlds tiniest animals

This Is How Giraffes Sleep

Monday 18 May 2015

Top 18 Houseplants For Purifying The Air You Breathe, According To NASA

Houseplants do wonders for a house: they breathe new life to a room, add a bright pop of color, and purify the air. Not all plants are equally effective, however, when it comes to filtering harmful air-borne toxins and pollutants.

NASA conducted a Clean Air Study to identify the best air-filtering indoor plants, all of which commonly found at local flower shops, to help guide us in our purchasing decisions. Even better, Love The Garden created an infographic that lists 18 NASA-recommended plants for improving air quality as well as the common toxins that each plant can treat.

Geometry in nature
5 amazing carnivorous plants
Plants have a social life too
Plants that come from unusual seeds



Top 18 Houseplants For Purifying The Air You Breathe, According To NASA

Circus Lion Freed From Cage Feels Earth Beneath His Paws For The First Time

Footage shared this week by the Rancho dos Gnomos Santuário in Brazil shows the thrilling moment a lion named Will experiences, for the first time, the feeling of soil and grass beneath his feet.

Prior to being rescued and taken to the sanctuary, Will had been forced to perform with a traveling circus. For 13 long years, the lion had been confined to a cramped cage and denied any semblance of a normal existence. Within seconds of his release, Will can be seen eagerly running his paws through the soft soil — tragically, a foreign material for a creature who, up until then, had known only cold metal floors.

Circuses: how animals are trained and treated
These depressing photos of zoo animals show the need for change
10 animal escape artists that have proved no zoo can hold them down

This scene, filmed in 2006 though released this week to the public, was only the beginning. In 2011, Will passed away of old age, but not before finally learning what it meant to be a lion.

“He had five years of tranquility before he died. Here he had the opportunity to interact with other lions. He loved to lie in grass and look at the sky,” sanctuary founder Marcos Pompeo told The Dodo. “He was a very happy lion.”

Circus Lion Freed From Cage Feels Earth Beneath His Paws For The First Time

Insane Truck Accidents

Every year, thousands of accidents happen on the roads and highways all around the world. Here is compilation of unbelievably crazy truck crashes and accidents from around the world.

20th century car accidents that claimed the lives of celebrities
Are women bad drivers?
Most shocking events caught on dashcam
Photos of vintage car crashes

Insane Truck Accidents

Sunday 17 May 2015

Strange Stories That Will Make You Believe In Reincarnation

Dr. Brian Weiss is an expert in past-life regression therapy. He had a traditional psychotherapy practice until one patient and her experience with reincarnation changed his entire life.

These stories are full of strange coincidences that are just too bizarre to be ignored. Could reincarnation be involved? It seems that way.

Quantum physics can prove the afterlife
Can kids see ghosts?
See what heaven looks like according to various religions



A boy in Turkey was born with unilateral microtia and hemifacial microsomia, meaning malformed and underdeveloped ear and face. Soon he recalled the life of a man he claimed was killed by a shotgun. Records from the local hospital indicated a man had died from injuries by a blast, to the right side of his skull.



Dr. Weiss had a patient who underwent past-life regression therapy. The woman recalled a life as a pioneer, who hid from Native Americans in a secret compartment with her toddler son. She claims the son had a crescent moon birthmark on his right shoulder, and she accidentally smothered him while trying to keep him quiet.

Soon, a new patient with asthma attacks came in, and he and the woman had an instant attraction. All were shocked when he revealed a crescent moon birthmark on his right shoulder.



Taranjit Singh began recounting the horrific story of his death at age 6. He remembered his old name, the village he was born in, how old he was when he died, even how much money was in his wallet at the time. Taranjit’s family were so disturbed they had to investigate.

Sure enough, they found the family of the deceased, all details panned out, and Taranjit even identified family members by name. Although Taranjit could barely write, he was able to perfectly match handwriting with that of the dead boy.



American woman TE was raised in Philadelphia by immigrants who spoke a mix of Polish, Yiddish, and Russian. However, during regression therapy, TE claimed to be Jensen Jacoby, a male Swedish peasant. She could answer questions in Swedish, and even passed polygraph and word association tests in Swedish.

All family and friends questioned claimed she had no training with the language. She even used over 60 Swedish words in conversation not used by the therapist. Furthermore, her accent was praised as spot-on, even mixed with old Norwegian.



Robin Hull was a boy whose mother could never understand the language he sometimes used. She contacted a professor, who claimed he was using a dialect spoken only in the northern region of Tibet. Robin recounted a story of how he grew up in a monastery, although he wasn’t even of school age yet. His details were so compelling the professor actually took a trip to the monastery in Tibet.



Kevin Christenson died in 1979 from metastatic cancer. It was found after he broke his leg and suffered many ailments, including a tumor which caused his eye to protrude and a lump above his right ear.

Eventually, Kevin’s mother remarried and had another son, Patrick. He was born with a birthmark in the same spot Kevin’s IV entered. He had a lump above his right ear. He even began limping as he learned to walk. Furthermore, he questioned his mother about the orange and brown house, where she lived with Kevin before divorcing her first husband.



Doreen had a son with a condition eerily similar to that which caused the death of her father. It got worse when her son began telling her that When I was your daddy, you were bad a lot and I never spanked you! But her suspicions were confirmed when he brought up her old cat and called him Boss. Her son was born long after she had the cat, whose name was Boston.

Only her father called him Boss. The boy insisted he was born the Tuesday Doreen’s father died, after being told he could come back.



Dr. Weiss received a shock when a patient explained to him that she was in an in between state and that his father and son (both deceased) were present in the room. She went on tell Dr. Weiss how his father died, how his son died, their names, and who they were named after. This was the specific case which changed Weiss’s career forever.



Ma Win Tar recounted a past life as a Japanese soldier, claiming she was captured by her own villagers and burned alive while tied to a tree. While still young, she preferred her hair short and liked to dress as a boy, which her family forbade. She also refused to eat traditional dishes, and would slap the faces of those she didn’t like – a habit invading Japanese practiced on local villagers. Ma Win Tar even resisted Buddhism and declared herself a foreigner. Strangest of all, she had been born with strange constriction rings on several of her fingers and wrists… which her family always thought looked like rope marks.



Dr. Weiss received a shock when a patient explained to him that she was in an in between state and that his father and son (both deceased) were present in the room. She went on tell Dr. Weiss how his father died, how his son died, their names, and who they were named after. This was the specific case which changed Weiss’s career forever.

Why We Haven't Cured Cancer?

If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we cure cancer? Ever wonder why?

The SciShow discusses what’s wrong with that question and why it’s so hard to find a cure.

Tattoo artists cover breast cancer survivors scars with beautiful tattoos
The cancer resistance of the naked mole rat
The cancer gene we all have

Why We Haven't Cured Cancer?

Saturday 16 May 2015

10 Mythical Creatures That Turned Out To Be Real

Once dismissed by science as products of folklore and imagination, these creatures shocked the world when they were found to be real-life animals… Do you think that some other mythical creatures might exist?

Life on Instagram vs life in reality
25 strangest prehistoric creatures to roam the earth
Sea creatures that looks like they were from outer space

10 Mythical Creatures That Turned Out To Be Real

Big Differences Between How Mothers And Fathers Take Care Of Kids

People often say that the most important thing in raising children is to give them lots of love, something that all parents can do, regardless of whether they are a mother or a father. However, there are also many differences between how mothers and fathers take care of their children.

Who do you think does it better, mothers or fathers?

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Dangerous toys your kids shouldn’t play with
Kids wrote the weirdest things

Big Differences Between How Mothers And Fathers Take Care Of Kids

Friday 15 May 2015

These T-Shirts Tell It Like It Is

These t-shirts will help you say everything you need to say and you won’t even have to speak a word.

Awesome pillow designs
Cool smart interior designs
Cleverly designed coffee mugs
The best of the worst logo designs

These T-Shirts Tell It Like It Is

Thoughts We've All Had While Working At The Office

Going from working from home to working at an office, aside from meaning that a bathrobe is no longer acceptable work attire, has meant a lot of change in my day-to-day activities and interests. The 9-5 life isn’t for everyone, and it has its pros and cons, but there are a few things that you’re guaranteed to start doing if (when) it happens to you.

Is it time to go home yet?

Amazing hanging walkway connects two offices
13 personality types in every office
Office pranks

Thoughts We've All Had While Working At The Office

Canadian Wins $7.5 Million At Online Casino

Yet another Canadian online casino player has been graced with a seven figure jackpot win. Could the next big winner be you?

The Canadian market has so many choices for online gambling that sometimes choosing where to put down your dollar can be difficult but those who find the right place and time are walking away millions of dollars richer. We have a new player from this country who has taken $7.5M away from their online slot experience.

This most recent big win came from Crazy Vegas, one of many sites partnered with the software developing giant Microgaming. Their variety and quality of product makes them a true game changer when players are looking for a place to spend their free time taking some risks and their progressive prize pools seem second to none. This hit specifically came from Mega Moolah where there are two jackpots, the Mega and Major, waiting for players to hit the right combination of symbols.

This isn’t the first time that this particular slot has made Canadian players very happy with wins in the multiple millions. In 2014 along there were two, on June 12 and November 9, who won over $3.9M and nearly $3.4M respectively, and were invited to take a trip around the world to have dinner in Australia where their winning cheques were signed over. With this fantastic game’s big prizes reseeded and built up to nearly $5M already, the reels are ready and waiting for the next big spin. Could that winner be you?

These winning players weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary on those days, making their wins from browser and mobile apps a complete surprise, in some cases coming from only a few spins after starting their session. Now there are rumours that there will be another big hit from the game as each jackpot’s frequency has been tracked and has been deemed ready to pop.

The bigger of the two prizes, the Mega, is approaching $5M, a truly life changing amount sure to make anyone happy for their online win. The second from largest, the Major, was recently won so it is considerably smaller at just over $42,000 which is still enough to make someone very happy with a brand new car or a fantastic shopping spree. For those who would prefer a different theme from the African savannah, there are four spin offs that feed into and pay out from the same pool.

Make your way over to the best place to see the latest online casino news, keep track of the status of potential winning opportunities and learn about free slots in Canada –

Canadian Wins $7.5 Million At Online Casino

Welcome To The Weird Side of the Internet

Here are unbelievable photos and shocking encounters that you wouldn’t regularly find on the net! Enjoy!

The most unsettling things you will ever see
These funny pictures prove that having a kid is weird
Funny stuff from newspapers

Welcome To The Weird Side of the Internet

Thursday 14 May 2015

The Try Guys Try Labor Pain Simulation

The Try Guys endure the miracle of life. Since men can’t feel labor pains, the two men used electro-stimulations to simulate contractions so they could experience the distress for themselves.

Now you know how it REALLY feels!

How common is your birthday? You will be surprised
The male birth control pill is coming
How birth order affects who you are
Married Kama Sutra: the world’s least erotic sex manual

The Try Guys Try Labor Pain Simulation

What the Night Sky Would Look Like with No Light Pollution

“Skyglow” is a term used to describe the brightness of the night sky in a built-up area as a result of light pollution. In the video above, timelapse artists Gavin Heffernan and Harun Mehmedinovic combine timelapse astrophotography—filmed at some of the darkest skies in North America&mdas;and splice the footage with night timelapses of major urban centers like Los Angeles. The experimental videos show what the night sky would look like if there was no light pollution.

The video is part of the Skyglow Project which also includes a book of astrophotography and an entire series of timelapse videos. The artists recently launched the project on Kickstarter and hope to examine the increasing impact of light pollution on our fragile environment.

Stunning photos of starry night sky
Stunning auroras pictures
100 most epic pictures taken by Hubble telescope

SKYGLOW from Sunchaser Pictures on Vimeo.

You can learn more about the project at, and below you will find a collection of stills from the striking timelapse video above.

What the Night Sky Would Look Like with No Light Pollution

What the Extra Shoelace Hole is For?

Wow, after all these years of tying trainers, we’ve finally found out what that extra shoelace hole at the top is for.

The simplest way to test batteries
Quantum physics can prove the afterlife?
Completely useless life hacks
This is what daytime fireworks look like


What the Extra Shoelace Hole is For?

The Rugrats Go Wild Movie: What You Need To Know

Do you love The Wild Thornberrys or The Rugrats? If so, you will love the movie Rugrats Go Wild.

In this cinema spectacular the characters from both popular Nickelodeons cartoons meet for the very first time. It starts out with the families of The Rugrats going on vacation on what they believe to be a luxury cruise. Unfortunately for them, this idea is a bit of wishful thinking and we soon find out that Tommy’s father, Stu Pickles, has rented a small, rinky dink fishing boat for the families to sail the Seven Seas.

As you can see, things don’t get out to a good start, which leaves everyone involved unhappy. However, things gets worse when a storm tosses the small boat around and the gang ends up marooned on a small island with seemingly no way home.

They are completely unaware that the Thornberrys have set up camp on the other side of the island so that they can capture rare footage of a leopard for their TV show. Tommy Pickles, who is a fan of Nigel Thornberry’s show, knows that they are on the island and he leads the babies on a trek to look for his hero. Unfortunately, the leopard spots them and has every intention of making the babies into his dinner.

Fans of these two shows must see this film. Kids will love seeing the characters meet for the first time. But, that’s not all that these kid-friendly movie has to offer. For example, world famous action hero Bruce Willis joins the cast as the voice of Spike, Tommy’s dumb but loveable dog. As an added treat, Willis sings a couple of songs in the film; he even does a duet with the leopard.

The rest of the songs in the movie are just as delightful. Angelica, Tommy’s manipulative older cousin does an entertaining song about being a princess as well as a duet with Debbie Thornberry. One of the other highlights, one that adults are sure to appreciate is, famous rock group Aerosmith singing Lizard Love as the credits roll. Bet you never thought that you would hear the likes of Steve Tyler singing in such a kid friendly move.

Similarly to the other Rugrats movies, The Rugrats Go Wild is inundated with references to other popular movies. For instance, there are jokes relation to Lord of the Flies, Star Wars, Titanic, Jaws, and a whole lot more.

All in all, this movie is excellent entertainment for kids; with lots of fart, poop, and booger jokes to keep them laughing throughout the entire movie. The only thing that adults may have to worry about are their kids imitating these gross gags when the movie is over. Still, if you are looking for a good movie that will be sure to entertain your children, the Rugrats Go Wild is an excellent choice. In other words, your kids will Go Wild for this movie.


The Rugrats Go Wild Movie: What You Need To Know

Amazing Multi-Layered Graffiti Murals of Popular Expressions

Pref is a British graffiti artist with a unique, multi-layered letting style which he uses to portray popular phrases and expressions. The different words can be hard to distinguish but that’s what makes his pieces so interesting to examine. For more, be sure to check out Pref’s work at the links below.

For more pictures please visit PREF’s Instagram | Twitter | Flickr

Amazing Batman themed graffiti inside an abandoned nursing home
Reverse graffiti by Tess Jakubec
Abandoned church gets a graffiti makeover
Jersey City street artists transform an abandoned building into a local 5 pointz

[via CrushMyCamel]

Amazing Multi-Layered Graffiti Murals of Popular Expressions

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Old School Parkour From The 1930s

Watch these 1930s daredevils show off their parkour skills in this vintage clip!

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Photos from the past that can tell you more about history than any story

Old School Parkour From The 1930s

Hottest And Coldest Places On Earth

If you’re on the hunt for a holiday hot spot or somewhere really cool to visit you’ll find plenty to inspire you!

Up and down the country the signs that summer is approaching are everywhere to see: the sun is lingering longer and longer into the night sky, bartenders are serving up Pimm’s by the jug, and people are finally daring to leave their homes without their coats. But however high the thermometers climb this year, the temperatures will pale in comparison to some of the hottest places on earth – from Death Valley, California to the Flaming Mountains of Xinjiang, China there are many destinations that can be described as simply scorching.

If the thought of that is making you sweat, why not take comfort in the knowledge that however cold it might get in the depths of winter, at least you don’t live in Verkhoyansk or Ulaanbaatar, where the freezing point is considered tropical?

How deep is the

The extreme temperatures of the universe

Where is the most polluted place on earth
Iceland may just be the most beautiful place on earth


To celebrate the launch of GB Energy Supply and our low cost energy tariffs we’ve created an infographic of the Hottest & Coldest Places On Earth.

To see if you could save money on your energy bills call our switch team today on 0800 6444 450 or get a quote online.

Hottest And Coldest Places On Earth

These People Are So Flexible It Almost Hurts To Look At Them

Many people stretch their ligaments too much, unaware that it can take years for pathology in the hip joints to show up. Everything that these people are doing looks incredibly painful.

How they do this stuff without breaking themselves in half is a complete mystery.

Amazing 104-year-old great himalayan yogi
World’s oldest gymnast
24 most hardcore strength and flex moves
How china trains its kids to become olympic champions

These People Are So Flexible It Almost Hurts To Look At Them

America's Best Swimming Holes

This summer when you need a break from the stale air conditioning and sweltering humidity, take a refreshing trip to one of America’s many awesome natural swimming holes.

Spectacular beaches with incredible sand colors
Jacobs’ Well
Strange mesmerizing phenomenon occuring at the bottom of the lake
Lake Kaindy, Kazakhstan’s submerged forest

America's Best Swimming Holes

Tuesday 12 May 2015

The best UK reality TV shows of all time

Reality TV shows… some would consider them to be the worst thing you could possibly spend your time watching, while others live their lives watching every show that the likes of TLC put out and love every second of it. We thought we would have a quick look at what we think are some of the best reality shows to come out of the UK:

The X Factor


British singing talent show ‘The X Factor’ began back in 2004 and has become one of the biggest and most successful talent-based reality TV shows in history. The brain child of music mogul Simon Cowell ‘The X Factor’ features a panel of judges whom together help whittle down hundreds of potential contestants who are then each categorised based on their age, sex and if they’re a group or a solo artist. The format helped open the doors to more potential applicants than the highly successful ‘Pop Idol’ series it followed which was ended abruptly after Idol judge Cowell decided to leave the show and create ‘The X Factor’. At its peak (series 6) the show was pulling in nearly 20 million viewers.

Britain’s Got Talent


In 2007 Simon Cowell once more gave his magical touch to British television talent show competition ‘Britain’s Got Talent’. Working in a similar judging format to that of ‘The X Factor’ the show gave the stage to those with a wide range of entertaining talents in order to win a place to perform in front of the royal family at the Royal Variety Performance. There has been a wide range of winners of the series over the years including an opera singer, gymnasts, shadow performers and even a dancing dog.

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!


If you couldn’t get enough of Geordie double act Ant and Dec and their backstage antics over on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ ITV ensured you’d still get your fill of the cheeky duo each night hosting celebrity jungle reality show ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!’ The show launched on our screens in 2002 and featured a number of arguable “celebrities” spending a few weeks in jungle conditions over in Australia. The series is most famous for its challenging Bush Tucker trials in which the participating celebs would compete in games in order to win tokens in exchange for meals for the rest of the camp. This often includes a nauseating game whereby the contestant would have to eat things like kangaroo testicles and raw fish eyes. The popular franchise has spun off a slot game at 32red casino and even a new themed maze at Thorpe Park.

Big Brother


The British version of the popular reality show ‘Big Brother’ first aired in the UK back in 1997. It featured a group of strangers placed in an isolated house forced to live together as housemates on camera 24 hours a day. They are given tasks and challenges to carry out and each week are asked to nominate other housemates for potential eviction. As time goes on obviously human nature begins to take over and relationships begin to fray and the more interesting psychological aspects of being cut off from the outside world begin to show themselves. It’s undergone a number of changes and developments over the years to keep things fresh for the audience however its viewing figures struggle to get close to what it was receiving in its first few years on air.

The best UK reality TV shows of all time