Saturday 29 November 2014

Company Craetes Touchable Memories To Help The Blind See Their Photos Using 3D Printing

3D printers have now become a common technological advancement that has assisted people medically on many levels — from 3D-printing organs to creating prosthetics and medical implants. Now, a company called Pirate3D has developed a 3D printer that can be used to assist people with eyesight problems.

As they explained on their website:

Who hasn’t dreamt of reliving a moment in time? Touchable Memories is a social experiment created by the agency LOLA [that tells] the story of five people from different parts of the world, Gabor, Mario, Meritxell, Yassine and Daniela, who have become visually impaired over time. Each of them has a vivid memory of a special moment that was captured in a photograph that has since faded in their memories.

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Company Craetes Touchable Memories To Help The Blind See Their Photos Using 3D Printing

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