Sunday 30 November 2014

This Pictures Will Show You Why Norway Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

Norway is a geographical rarity because its length from north to south gives it one of the greatest varieties of environments in a single country in Europe – from deciduous forests to arctic tundras. It should be a far colder and icier country than it is, but its temperatures are somewhat regulated by the relatively warm North Atlantic and Norwegian currents.

Nonetheless, its coasts are slashed by fjords that were carved by massive glaciers and ice sheets during the last ice age, giving its rugged northern coasts even more majestic charm.

50 things every traveller should know
10 reasons to visit Iceland
Crimea – beautiful peninsula once again becomes a sticking point

This Pictures Will Show You Why Norway Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

Comic Book Panels Are Much Funnier When Taken Out of Context

After seeing this post you’ll never look at comic books the same way again. When taken out of context, a lot these vintage comic panels end up being pretty hilarious.

A day at the park: comics that say something by Kostas Kirakis
Deep dark fears – comics that illustrate most suprising yet believable fears
Comics about job searching

Comic Book Panels Are Much Funnier When Taken Out of Context

Saturday 29 November 2014

Company Craetes Touchable Memories To Help The Blind See Their Photos Using 3D Printing

3D printers have now become a common technological advancement that has assisted people medically on many levels — from 3D-printing organs to creating prosthetics and medical implants. Now, a company called Pirate3D has developed a 3D printer that can be used to assist people with eyesight problems.

As they explained on their website:

Who hasn’t dreamt of reliving a moment in time? Touchable Memories is a social experiment created by the agency LOLA [that tells] the story of five people from different parts of the world, Gabor, Mario, Meritxell, Yassine and Daniela, who have become visually impaired over time. Each of them has a vivid memory of a special moment that was captured in a photograph that has since faded in their memories.

How do blind people dream
How blind people see beauty
Magic pill erases bad memories

Company Craetes Touchable Memories To Help The Blind See Their Photos Using 3D Printing

Watch The First Trailer For 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The wait is over, and a whole new saga has begun.

Here’s your first glimpse at the future of the Star Wars galaxy!

Unseen early Star Wars concept art revealed
How well do you know Star Wars saga
Leaked photos from the upcoming part of the Star Wars
Star Wars posters you haven’t seen

Watch The First Trailer For 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Thursday 27 November 2014

The Creepy Story of How Budapest Became a "City of Smiles" in the 1930s

A tragic suicide epidemic gripped Budapest, Hungary in the wake of World War I — and some believed it was all caused by a popular song. Even weirder than this idea, though, was how the city tried to combat the suicide problem with a “Smile Club.”

On 17th October, 1937, the Sunday Times Perth explained the Budapest suicide problem:

‘Although a magnet for tourists from all over the world, Budapest has for several years been known to its own people as The City of Suicides. Budapest suffered badly after the war and has received unpleasant publicity from the number of cases of self-destruction occurring every year within its boundaries. Some of them are alleged to have been inspired by the Budapest song, “Gloomy Sunday”, but be that as it may, the suicide rate in Budapest is definitely high. The favorite method adopted by most Budapest melancholics in drowning, and patrol boats are stationed along the boundary near the bridges to rescue citizens who seek consolation in the dark waters of the Danube.’

The paper added that people in Budapest were combatting the problem by learning to smile better:

‘Now, however, a “Smile Club” has been inaugurated to counteract the suicide craze it was originally begun more as a joke by Professor Jeno and a hypnotist named Binczo, but somehow it caught on. The organisers have now a regular school and guarantee to teach the Roosevelt smile, the Mona Liza smile, the Clark Gable smile, the Dick Powell smile, the Loretta Young Smile, and various other types, the rates varying according to the difficulties encountered. Jeno says the methods employed at his school, aided by better business conditions in Budapest are making smiling popular and before long it is hoped that the name of Budapest will be changed to the City of Smiles.’

The song Gloomy Sunday (also known as the Hungarian Suicide Song), mentioned above, was composed by Rezső Seress and published in 1933. It became well-known after Billie Holiday covered it eight years later. There have been several urban legends regarding Gloomy Sunday, because the number of Hungarian suicides peaked in the 1930s and press reports linked them to the song. There were also stories about radio networks banning the song, but only BBC did it with the Billie Holiday version in 1941, which was “detrimental to wartime morale.”

Here is the original version:

The secrets behind Mona Lisa’s smile
The happiest animals in the world

The Creepy Story of How Budapest Became a "City of Smiles" in the 1930s

Men Try Sex Toys For The First Time

In this video six men discussed their initial reactions to a range of sex toys and, well, reported back after using them. Their responses say it all. The reviews were hilarious as all the men were equally horrified and curious.

Just see for yourself.

What’s secretly sexy about men and women
Why sex is good for your health
Common misconceptions about sex debunked


Men Try Sex Toys For The First Time

What It Was Really Like To Fly In 1970s

Flying can be the worst. Not only do you get searched just to get on the plane, but you pay an arm and a leg in the terminal. But it didn’t use to be this way. In fact, during the 1960s and ’70s in Golden Age of air travel, there was more space, classier interiors and bolder designs.

Here are some of the actual cabin interiors for the Boeing 747s in the 1970s. They are awesome.

Windowless planes is this the future of air travel
Why canąt we use phones on planes
Amazing sights from a plane window
Multi-winged planes: aviation history’s most amazing failures

What It Was Really Like To Fly In 1970s

Amazing Stuffed Toys Based On Children's Imagination

Budsies is changing the way that kids’ toys are made. They takes children’s drawings (they’ll take playful adults’ drawings, too) and reinterprets them as 16-inch-tall hypoallergenic plush toys.

Kids wrote the weirdest things
Dangerous toys your kids shouldn’t play with
Surprising kids with dream toys
Beluga whale plays peek-a-boo with kids at aquarium

For more please visit | Instagram

Amazing Stuffed Toys Based On Children's Imagination

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Incredibly Tiny Pieces of Origami

Origami is the art of paper folding. Some origami can be simple and some can be very complex. It is a difficult art form to master, but once someone becomes an expert, he or she can create almost any figure in any shape or size.

One kind of origami that is extremely difficult to make is micro (or mini) origami. As you can imagine, the smaller the origami, the harder it is to get the shapes and angles correct. But when it works out, mini origami is incredible.

A 50 cent microscope that folds like origami
Amazing origami animal sculptures-by Matthieu Georger
Watch how to make an origami butterfly
See what happens if you fold a paper in half
Origami street art by Mademoiselle Maurice

Incredibly Tiny Pieces of Origami

This Teacher Taught His Class A Very Simple And Powerful Lesson

If you’re reading this, you’re probably enjoying quite a few privileges that you may not even be aware of. But one high school teacher found a wonderfully simple way to explain it so that all of his students got the message. Don’t miss this brilliant lesson!


The man by the window. Short story that will change your thinking.
Created equal by Mark Laita
What is it like to walk as a woman in New York
Most powerful social issue ads that’ll make you stop and think
Would you help a freezing child – social experiment

via buzzfeed

This Teacher Taught His Class A Very Simple And Powerful Lesson

Old People In Totally Inappropriate T-shirts

If you wonder why peaceful and dignified elders are wearing these totally inappropriate T-shirts, we’ve got some clues. In some cases, it’s the expression of their kids’ (or their own) twisted sense of humor or a real bargain they found in a thrift shop. For others, the English language might be as foreign to them.

The combination of offensive slogans and dignified expressions is always hilarious.

This is what your tattoo will look like in 40 years
When young people and old people swap clothes
103 year old grandma celebrates birthday in hilarious way


Old People In Totally Inappropriate T-shirts

Interesting Facts That Show How Far Humans Have Advanced Over the Years

Another trivia list! This list explores a variety of fascinating scientific and technology facts that you probably are unaware of. We’ve come a long way since inventing the wheel. Here are a few facts you should know.

10 unbelievable facts you didn’t know about Nikola Tesla
9 facts that will change the way you look at men
10 incredible facts about the galaxy
Facts about smoking

Interesting Facts That Show How Far Humans Have Advanced Over the Years

Tuesday 25 November 2014

How Consumerism Has Taken Over Our Lives

In this thought-provoking video, Gary Turk examines the implications of living in a society where markets create problems so that they can sell us solutions. It’s about the true meaning of wealth.

SEE ALSO: Sell your crap. Pay your debt.  Do what you love

How Consumerism Has Taken Over Our Lives

Embarrassingly Facts About Life That No One Wants To Admit Are True

There is no better explanation for the way life is today than these infographics.

Maps of seven deadly sins in America
Bad facts about the USA
Fascinating statistics about almost everything
Animated infographic shows-how a gun works
This is most likely how you’re going to die
Mark Zuckerberg vs an average 30-year-old man
Conspiracy theories that turned out to be true


Embarrassingly Facts About Life That No One Wants To Admit Are True

The Most Hilarious Moments To Ever Happen On Instagram

Some people have very stupid social habits. When it comes to Instagram, it just doesn’t get any better than this.

In case there was ever any doubt how truly stupid people can be, have a look at the photos people actually choose to post on Instagram.

Facebook battle of geniuses vs idiots
Not everyone should have license to post photos on facebook
NYPD’s twitter callout fails miserably
Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s most mind blowing tweets
Michelle Obama’s #bringbackourgirls pic turned into an anti-drone campaign

The Most Hilarious Moments To Ever Happen On Instagram

Magical Places You Can Find Here On Earth

If you look at these photos, you might think they were created on a film set or a computer. They look like a work of fantasybut they come from right here on Earth.

Check these out and enjoy some newfound appreciation for our little planet’s amazing beauty.

Unbelievably colorful places on earth
This is what earth looked like 4 billion years ago
Breathtaking earth photos that look like paintings

Magical Places You Can Find Here On Earth

Monday 24 November 2014

Awesome But Completely Ridiculous Flyers Ever Posted

I’m sure you  seen lots of flyers and posters hung up on telephone poles and at supermarkets everyday. But I’m sure they aren’t as amazing as these. To whoever made them – job well done.

SEE ALSO: Funny stuff from newspapers

Awesome But Completely Ridiculous Flyers Ever Posted

Cute Arctic Foxes

Russia’s remote north-eastern Chukotka region is an inhospitable arctic tundra, but even in this brutal landscape, Russian photographer Ivan Kislov can find beautiful signs of life among the foxes that live and hunt here in the wild.

Though he takes pictures of everything from bears and reindeer to wolves and stoats, Kislov says the foxes are often very willing models: “Foxes are curious and can come very close, and I shoot with wide angle and telephoto lenses.

For more please visit | 500px | Facebook

Fennec fox as an exotic house pet
Exhausted but still cute animals

Cute Arctic Foxes

Breathtaking Towns And Villages On Clifs

Many cities or villages could have been built on cliffs for a variety of different reasons, but this was most often done with defensive advantages in mind. A cliff-side city overlooking a sea passage has a superior command of the surrounding waters and is virtually impossible to assault from the water. Cities on steep hills, on the other hand, might have been built there to defend from land-based aggressors or because of their proximity to important landmarks like rivers.

These photos capture stunning views of some of the most epic cliff-side cities in the world.

Made in China takes on new meaning! They are cloning entire cities!
10 of the world’s deadliest cities
Travelers guide: top cities for traveling the globe
Cities seen from space

Breathtaking Towns And Villages On Clifs

Drawings That Show How Little People Knew About Science In The Middle Ages

Most people think of dragons, knights, and fantastic castles when they think of the medieval period. It was also a time of great discovery and innovation. The Middle Ages were a particularly scary time to be alive. Everything was terrifying and no one truly knew why. They were still learning about the world around them.

If you have any doubt that people of Medieval Times were that bad at science, you need to take a look at the drawings below.

Plastic surgery in WorldWar I (Warning! some of the images might be disturbing!)
This is how people imagine exotic animals based only on what they heard (HILLARIOUS)
Bizarre plastic surgery procedures
Ultrasound surgery healing without cuts
Strange and surprising science discoveries

Drawings That Show How Little People Knew About Science In The Middle Ages

Sunday 23 November 2014

Why Elephants Never Forget

It’s a common saying that elephants never forget. But the more we learn about elephants, the more it appears that their impressive memory is only one aspect of an incredible intelligence that makes them some of the most social, creative, and benevolent creatures on Earth.

Alex Gendler takes us into the incredible, unforgettable mind of an elephant.

Kenya wildlife service relocates elephants
Beethoven for elephants
US crushes 6 tons of seized ivory to save elephants

Lesson by Alex Gendler, animation by Avi Ofer.

The interesting origins of common english idioms
Words that you probably didn’t know
107 regional slang words
Funny untranslatable words from other cultures

Why Elephants Never Forget

This Cat Lost Its Best Friend

This cat was best friends with a dog, who had died of cancer. When the dog was finally gone, the cat seemed to still be looking for him.

If this doesn’t melt your heart, you probably don’t have one.

Big dogs caring for little kids
Inside look of the bat hospital in Australia that takes in abandoned baby bats
Perfectly timed nature photos

This Cat Lost Its Best Friend

Saturday 22 November 2014

These Paintings Are so Realistic, You’ll Think They’re Photographs

Kyle Barnes is an artist in Northern Ireland doing some truly amazing things with his artwork. If you didn’t see Kyle working on one of his pieces with his brush and smell the scent of oil paint in the air, you’d think his pieces were photographs. Some of them are so realistic that, if you saw him touching up his works, you might ask, “Why is that guy dragging a paint brush along that photograph?”

Kyle won the Towry Art Award at National Open Art Competition and The KPMG Young Artist Award at The RUA Belfast, which come as no surprise when you see his art. Take a look at some of his pieces below and try to remember they’re paintings.

For more please visit Kyle’s website | facebook

These Paintings Are so Realistic, You’ll Think They’re Photographs

10 Quirky Idioms From Around The World

We use idioms to pepper our speech and writing, often without even realising we’re doing it. These odd little phrases are used to express a sentiment other than their literal meaning. Idioms can tell us a lot about what matters to a nation they give us a unique insight into the culture that uses them.

Explore the world in all its linguistic glory with these 10 illustrated idioms.

The interesting origins of common english idioms
Words that you probably didn’t know
107 regional slang words
Funny untranslatable words from other cultures

10 Quirky Idioms From Around The World

Friday 21 November 2014

Most Creative And Funny Joints Ever Made (And Smoked)!

People who smoke marijuana can be accused of many things. Lack of creativity is not one of them. The best example of this may be these joints. Make an impression!

24-carat gold rolling papers
15 things you should know about marihuana
Your brain on marijuana explained
Why couples should smoke weed together
Examples of ridiculous 20th century anti marijuana propaganda
Smoking is not the best way to consume marijuana

Most Creative And Funny Joints Ever Made (And Smoked)!

Images That Show The True Face Of The World

The world we live in is not simple or perfect. Life is not only beautiful moments. Unfortunately, a large part of it are the various evils and sorrow.

These images show how awesome humans can be, or how cruel.  These are our true colors, for good and for worse.

Greate examples of instant karma
These 10 shocking photos showing sad moments in history will make you feel bad
Sad photos that show the dark side of life
Amazing moments that will restore your faith in humanity once again

Images That Show The True Face Of The World

The Oldest Tree On The Planet

The bristlecone pines, the oldest trees on Earth, are a small group of pine trees, that are thought to reach an age far greater than that of any other single living organism known, up to nearly 5,000 years.

SEE ALSO: Two events in history that you never would’ve guessed happened around the same time

This prehistoric tree was already a more than a century old when the first pyramid was built in Egypt. It was already 1,000 years old when the last wooly mammoth died!

SEE ALSO: With this awesome suspended tent you could sleep in the trees

The bristlecone pine (family Pinaceae, genus Pinus, subsection Balfourianae) has an intrinsically low rate of reproduction and regeneration, and it is thought that under present climatic and environmental conditions the rate of regeneration may be insufficient to sustain its population. The species are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list. Bristlecone pines are protected in a number of national parks such as the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest in the White Mountains of California and the Great Basin National Park in Nevada, where cutting or gathering wood is prohibited.

The Oldest Tree On The Planet

Awesome 360 Keyboard Invented by Lady Gaga Keyboardist


PianoArc is a circular keyboard featuring 294 Keys with 3 contiguous eighty-eight note keyboards and 1 thirty note control section with a 3 pitch bend/mod per full keyboard section. The unique instrument is the brainchild of Brockett Parsons, who is currently on tour with Lady Gaga as her main keyboard player.

Visualizing the shapes of sound
Amazing Tesla Coil music
The real locations of famous album covers
Freddie Mercury photos of the Legend
What would the worlds greatest music legends have looked like if they lived to fade away

Awesome 360 Keyboard Invented by Lady Gaga Keyboardist

Thursday 20 November 2014

Stunning Metro Stations From Moscow

As of 2014, the Moscow Metro has 195 stations and its route length is 325.4 km (202.2 mi). Opened in 1935 with one 11-kilometre (6.8 mi) line and 13 stations, it was the first underground railway system in the Soviet Union. The system is mostly underground, with the deepest section 74 metres (243 ft) underground at the Park Pobedy station, one of the world’s deepest. As of 2013, the Moscow Metro is the busiest metro system outside of Asia, the world’s busiest by daily ridership and the 6th longest in the world. [source]

Of those 195 stations many have interesting architecture and design that reflect the era they were built in.

The most beautiful metro stations in the world
Beautiful monastery library in Austria
Inside the stuttgart city library
Great homes away from civilization

Stunning Metro Stations From Moscow

Here's The Dark Side of Weight Loss

Contemporary media promote lean as the only way to be attractive. Radical metamorphosis of people who dropped a few dozen pounds, are promoted in the media.

Combating obesity is associated unfortunately not only with exercise and healthy nutrition. It remains that you can not see the pictures of the “transformation”. When the fat disappears, there is still excess skin that is not shrinking. John David Gaude talks about it openly showing himself as example. Thanks to that he became a YouTube star.

SEE ALSO: Why dehydration is making you fat and sick

John was very obese, but decided to change it. After months of difficult exercises and diet, he was able to lose up to 70 kg (!). Now he’s facing with a new problem, which is the excess sagging skin. It can be covered with clothes, but when John wants to undress there is a problem. In this case, the only solution is to undergo plastic surgery.

As you can see, “metamorphosis” is not magic, and you often have to incur additional costs, which are not told. Keep in mind that winning the fight against obesity changes in the fight against what remains after it.

Brian is awesome for sharing himself like this.

Here's The Dark Side of Weight Loss

Dying Co-Creator of The Simpsons Is Giving Away His Fortune To Charity

As the co-creator of iconic animation series The Simpsons, Sam Simon has amassed a personal fortune of more than $100 million. But as he enters his final days, battling terminal colon cancer, he is giving it all away to charity.

Sam Simon (59) was given three months to live in 2012. Simon has no children and is not married so he wants to give his millions to causes he cares about. He decided to give his $100 million in wealth to charity. He’s passion lies in animal welfare but the majority of his money will go to the Sam Simon Foundation, which provides service dogs to veterans and food to families in need.

Terminally ill Simpsons co-creator Sam Simon. Photo: Getty

Terminally ill Simpsons co-creator Sam Simon. Photo: Getty

“I think that my passion for the animals and against animal abuse is based on the knowledge that these creatures who feel and think can’t speak for themselves and they’re dependent on us for that,” he said in an interview with NBC’s Maria Shriver.

“And so I feel it’s my responsibility to speak for those that can’t speak for themselves.”

A caricature of Simon from a Halloween episode of The Simpsons.

A caricature of Simon from a Halloween episode of The Simpsons.

The multimillionaire said he initially struggled with his illness, but is now happier than he’s ever been.

“Cancer is a horrible disease. I am struggling with it,” Simon said.

“It’s everything that everybody always tells you. It’s a journey, it’s a fight. But, if you want publicity and you want to pick up girls, then cancer is the greatest thing in the world.”

“Somehow, I ended up surrounded by people that love me and take care of me and will do anything for me,” he said. “It’s a good feeling. That’s called happiness.”

Animal lover ... Sam Simon, pictured with his two dogs, is battling terminal colon cancer. Picture: Twitter

Animal lover … Sam Simon, pictured with his two dogs, is battling terminal colon cancer. Picture: Twitter

Simon is spending his final months funding projects that feed homeless people and save animals from being killed in animal shelters.

SEE ALSO: New better life of rescued dogs

“I have used my money along with Ingrid Newkirk, the founder of PETA,” said Simon to NBC.

“She came up with almost a therapy for me, where we planned and are still planning a series of animal liberations and actions that I get to participate in and enjoy.”

“It gives me something to look forward.”

“I get to watch these animals that have been in concrete bunkers their whole lives take their first step on grass.”

Creators of The Simpsons Matt Groening, James Brooks, and Sam Simon, right, are interviewed about the hit show in the early 1990s

Creators of The Simpsons Matt Groening, James Brooks, and Sam Simon, right, are interviewed about the hit show in the early 1990s

Dying Co-Creator of The Simpsons Is Giving Away His Fortune To Charity

Meet The Most Fashionable Homeless Guy in Ukraine

55-year-old Slavik was spotted by a photographer on the streets of Lviv. He was different from other homeless people. This series of pictures shows that you do not need a lot of money to dress stylishly. Unfortunately, since early 2013 Slavik is missing.

Hilarious fashion photoshop fails
Congo fashion
Moscow street fashion
Wh target=”_blank”at people in 1939 thought 2000′s fashion would look like
Fashion of the 1900s

Meet The Most Fashionable Homeless Guy in Ukraine

Wednesday 19 November 2014

New Pages Of World's Most Mysterious Book Are Seen For The First Time

Medieval manuscripts take a lot of forms, and many of them, as well as the information they contain, have helped shape Western civilization as we know it (for better or worse). Many of the surviving manuscripts we have today are religious texts, but there are also scientific works, histories and works of fiction.

Then there’s the Voynich Manuscript.

SEE ALSO: Codex Seraphinianu: the world’s weirdest book

This manuscript was created in Central Europe, possibly Northern Italy, at the end of the 1400s or during the early 1500s. It’s made of vellum and runs some 240 pages, with many dense passages of text. It was named for Wilfrid Voynich, a book dealer who bought it in 1912. It’s actual authorship is unknown. It also includes a diverse collection of images, including 113 species of plants, images of medicines in jars, images of the Zodiac, and a lot of images of people (especially miniature nude women) often shown bathing in tubs. If that sounds weird, don’t worry. It gets weirder.

For one thing, no one can read the Voynich Manuscript. The curly script has been analyzed by linguists, historians, cryptographers and even codebreakers who served in both World Wars, and to this day, no one knows how to begin deciphering the text. For another, those 113 plants depicted in a fair amount of detail? No one has ever agreed on what kinds of plants they are, or if they’re not completely made up. Basically everything in the book, which seems to run from cosmological phenomena to herbalism, seems only almost familiar. Historians think it might have been a pharmacopoeia, or a medicine-making recipe book (astronomy and astrology played a large part in medieval medicine), but with all its oddities, it’s hard to say. Others think it’s a complete hoax, although a carbon dating test of the vellum places it in the right time.

All that confusion doesn’t mean we’re not still trying to figure this thing out, though. Recently, the Beineke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University was able to access some pages that, due to the manuscript’s condition, were not accessible before, and have made scans of the whole thing available for people to look at. So what could this be? A hitherto unknown language showing a practical guide to medicine? The ramblings of a mad monk? Something written in code? A centuries-old conceptual art project? Aliens? (No, no one really thinks it’s aliens.) Maybe we’ll never know.

For now, though, the debate continues. Some think it might have origins in Mexico, based on the plants. A linguist in the U.K. claims to have decoded 14 of the symbols, but that’s all still up in the air. Even if we never figure out what this is, it’s got some fantastic images.

SEE ALSO: Codex Seraphinianu: the world’s weirdest book

New Pages Of World's Most Mysterious Book Are Seen For The First Time

Unseen Early Star Wars Concept Art Revealed

In 1974, Colin Cantwell began working with a young filmmaker named George Lucas on a project then called Adventures of the Starkiller: “The Star Wars”. Although Cantwell worked on the designs of many of the iconic spaceships in what would become Star Wars, his name is not nearly as well-known as Ralph McQuarrie, who also helped create much of the Star Wars Universe.

But next month, Julien’s will auction off many of his original concept drawings from 1974-75, featuring early designs of the X-Wing, Tie Fighter, and Star Destroyer.

You can check out these incredible colored pencil drawings.

Leaked photos from the upcoming part of the Star Wars
Star Wars posters you haven’t seen
What if Star Wars happened in our world
Abandoned Star Wars movie set

For more info, check out Original Prop’s in-depth interview with Cantwell

Unseen Early Star Wars Concept Art Revealed

Tony Hawk Takes A Ride On The World’s First Real Hoverboard

Hoverboards aren’t just a figment of your imagination anymore.This time, it’s real. Very real.

Earlier this year, legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk pranked us with video about new hoverboard technology (if you haven’t seen it click here). But now, to make up for it, here he is riding a REAL hoverboard.

Get ready, Back to the Future fans – all your dreams are coming true!

SEE ALSO: World’s first real hoverboard

More about Hendo Hover:


Tony Hawk Takes A Ride On The World’s First Real Hoverboard

Awesome Facts About Earth That Will Amaze You

Our earth is a fascinating place. But most of us go through our days without really considering how amazing it actually is.

We are just a tiny dot in a great big universe, but this tiny dot has got some pretty cool stuff going on. We will show you the amazing side of it through science.

SEE ALSO: 50 unbelievable facts about Earth

Awesome Facts About Earth That Will Amaze You

Tuesday 18 November 2014

This Video Captures The Largest Sunspot Seen In Over Two Decades

This timelapse video shows how magnificent the sun can really be. Everything in 4K!

SEE ALSO: 100 most epic pictures taken by Hubble telescope 
Part 1 |Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |Part 5 |

This Video Captures The Largest Sunspot Seen In Over Two Decades

Supplements vs. Whole Foods: What Does the Difference Look Like?

Have you ever wonder is it better to get vitamins from foods or supplements, and are natural vitamins better than synthetic vitamins? Wonder no more.

Look at this infographic and know the difference.

Supplements vs food
7 proven methods for detoxing and cleansing your body of toxins
Power of natural healing: spices and herbs


Supplements vs food
7 proven methods for detoxing and cleansing your body of toxins
Power of natural healing: spices and herbs

Supplements vs. Whole Foods: What Does the Difference Look Like?

Cute Blind Owl With Stunning Eyes Full Of Stars

One day, someone in Southern California found an injured owl on their porch. It turned out to be a blind Western Screech Owl with eyes that look like a starry night. After a visit to the vet, the owl found a new permanent home at the Wildlife Learning Center in Sylmar, California. He was named “Zeus” after the Greek god of sky and thunder because of his stunning eyes.

Team of animal lovers at the center helped him recover. Because he is blind, they couldn’t simply release him back into the wild. Now Zeus lives in a trunk on the filing cabinet next to Wildlife Learning Center founder Paul Hahn’s desk.

For more information please visit | Facebook

Cute Blind Owl With Stunning Eyes Full Of Stars

Incredible Inventions Made By Ordinary Chinese People

Chinese people are often recognized for their intelligence but these inventions show that they have big imaginations as well. These amazing things were all thought of by smart craftsman working from home in their backyards and garages and some of them are pretty remarkable.

Made in China gets new meaning.

Chinese toy factory photography by Michael Wolf
Stadiums on the roofs of chinese schools
Unbelievably large chinese german shepherd
Chinese mono rail passes through residental building

Incredible Inventions Made By Ordinary Chinese People

Monday 17 November 2014

Brothers Recreated Their Childhood Photos For Parents’ Wedding Anniversary

When it came time to get their parents a present for their anniversary, these two brothers, Matthew and James, came up with a fun  idea – they took a bunch of old childhood photos and reenacted them as adults. Of course it’s nothing new, but still awesome.

SEE ALSO: The best recreations of childhood photos ever

For more please visit matthewsimonhoughton website

Brothers Recreated Their Childhood Photos For Parents’ Wedding Anniversary

Stunning Landscapes Of Romania

Romania is an amazing country with wonderful landscapes. Romania’s natural landscape is almost evenly divided among mountains (31 percent), hills (33 percent), and plains (36 percent). These varied relief forms spread rather symmetrically from the Carpathian Mountains, which reach elevations of more than 2,500 meters, to the Danube Delta, which is just a few meters above sea level.

Here are a few of them for you to enjoy.

Spectacular landscapes in HQ
Iceland may just be the most beautiful place on Earth
Landscape created with the human body by CarlWarner
What are these forgotten giant concrete arrows across the american landscape?
Charles Jencks intricate landscape art
Diversity of the martian landscape
Stunning winter landscapes

Stunning Landscapes Of Romania

Awesome And Creative Tea Infusers

The tea infuser (often called a teaball or tea maker, and sometimes a tea egg) gained popularity in the first half of the 19th century. By the time of Queen Victoria, no respectable British household would be without one.

SEE ALSO: Health benefits of different types of teas

However, some argue that when you use a tea infuser, tea cannot flow freely as it traps much of the flavor between and in the leaves. So you should only fill an infuser half full leaving some spaces for the leaves to swell.

Tea makers simplify the process of making perfect tea and they also look great!

Awesome And Creative Tea Infusers

Friday 14 November 2014

Pictures Of Beautiful Caves From Around The World

Beautiful images of the most mysterious and exciting places on earth.

Pictures Of Beautiful Caves From Around The World

Pictures Of Beautiful Caves From Around The World

Beautiful images of the most mysterious and exciting places on earth.

Pictures Of Beautiful Caves From Around The World

Slo Mo Metal!

This slow motion close-up of metal machining is shockingly beautiful.

You may have never heard of metal machining before, but after you see this, you won’t forget it.

Slo Mo Metal!

Ads That Tell The Truth About The World We Live In

These striking images might rub you the wrong way, but they bring awareness to some important issues.

Ads That Tell The Truth About The World We Live In

Slo Mo Metal!

This slow motion close-up of metal machining is shockingly beautiful.

You may have never heard of metal machining before, but after you see this, you won’t forget it.

Slo Mo Metal!


this is a test post


but it's okay

if it’s working correctly

but it's okay

Photos Of Adorable Toddlers With Old Souls Made To Look Like Seniors

Grandmas and grandpas are adorable, but these toddlers made to look like like seniors are rivaling their cuteness. Photographer Zachary Scott recently transformed six kids into elderly versions of themselves with a little makeup, some prosthetics, and a healthy dose of photo editing for a New York Times article about aging titled What if Age Is Nothing but Mind-Set?

Photos Of Adorable Toddlers With Old Souls Made To Look Like Seniors

Panoramic Photos Gone Terrifyingly Wrong

Some times, panoramic photos just don’t go as planned.

And here are some examples.

Panoramic Photos Gone Terrifyingly Wrong

Makeup Artist Turns Her Lips Into Cute Cartoon Characters

Laura Jenkinson, a hair and makeup artist based in London, has come up with a creative form of lipstick makeup art that we’ve never seen before. She uses lipstick and paint to create all sorts of cute characters on her face, turning her own lips into theirs.

Makeup Artist Turns Her Lips Into Cute Cartoon Characters

When You See Tears Under A Microscope You'll See Just How Powerful Our Emotions Are

Rose-Lynn Fisher is a fine-art photographer who was intrigued by her own emotions.

Although art is already such an emotional endeavor, she decided to take it one step further with her project, The Topography of Tears.

Fisher wanted to see if her tears, all of which were triggered by different emotional states or reasons, looked different from one another. Her project reveals an interesting fact about human emotion.

When You See Tears Under A Microscope You'll See Just How Powerful Our Emotions Are

Wednesday 12 November 2014

15-Year-Old Artist Creates Awesome 3D Notebook Drawings

Artist João A. Carvalho aka J Desenhos draws amazing 3D notepad art that seems to leap off the page. On his popular Facebook page, Nas linhas do caderno, Carvalho shares progress shots of his drawings, encouraging others to share their artwork too.

For more be sure to check out his amazing Facebook page where you can find João’s artwork along with other talented artists whose work he routinely shares.

15-Year-Old Artist Creates Awesome 3D Notebook Drawings

Super Awkward Moments From Children's Literature

Here we present you a collection of extremely disturbing moments from children literature.

I’m hoping that was unintentional…

Super Awkward Moments From Children's Literature

World’s Strangest Buildings has a wonderful collection of the world’s most unusual architecture that is strange and weird but yet so beautiful and somehow amazing. We present to you the strangest and the most awesome of them all. Wo

World’s Strangest Buildings

Banksy - the Spokesman of Our Generation

Banksy has become a cultural icon with his signature street art and supreme anonymity. His creations are often effortlessly detailed or poignantly simple, appearing overnight and turning the side of a building into a canvas for personal, political and social messages.

Here we present you the collection of the best street art by Banksy.

Banksy - the Spokesman of Our Generation

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Stupid People Doing Stupid Things

Charles Darwin might have been onto something with the whole natural selection thing. It wouldn’t be a huge loss is people like this were weeded out of the gene pool!

Stupid People Doing Stupid Things

Intellectual Masters from Social Sites

Here we present the most brilliant and intelligent posts found on the Internet recently. Best regards from memolition!

Intellectual Masters from Social Sites

9-Year-Old Boy Travels The World As An Award-Winning Wildlife Photographer

As one of the winners at this year’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, 9-year-old Carlos Perez Naval has already proven that he has a great deal of talent. Looking through is portfolio of work, it becomes even clearer that this young boy has a keen eye for photography, especially when it comes to subjects of wildlife and their exotic habitats.

9-Year-Old Boy Travels The World As An Award-Winning Wildlife Photographer

The Most Popular Second Languages Spoken Around The World

Recently MoveHub has created an infographic that reveals the second most popular languages of countries across the globe. Some areas’ second language may seem obvious, others’ surprising, but they’re all an insightful and informative look at details about where groups of people have settled and the cultural influences spread out around the world.


The Most Popular Second Languages Spoken Around The World

Monday 10 November 2014

Magical Little Towns That Look Too Perfect To Be Real

They may look like illustrations out of a story book, but these gorgeous, quaint, and quirky little towns are actually one of the world’s best secrets. The only question that remains? Which one to visit first…

Magical Little Towns That Look Too Perfect To Be Real

34 Incredible Photos That Reveal A Glimpse Of What Lies Beneath The Water's Surface

You never know what lies below the surface.

34 Incredible Photos That Reveal A Glimpse Of What Lies Beneath The Water's Surface

The Most Beautiful Metro Stations In The World

Under-ground metro stations are associated with rats, garbage, noise and filth, not architecture. However, there are a few metro stations in the world that go against the grain, standing out as excellent examples of the beautiful architecture and interiors that can be created in underground spaces.

SEE ALSO: The most beautiful bridges in the world

The interiors achieved in some of these metro stations become all the more impressive when you consider the challenges unique to creating comfortable underground spaces. The architects must keep track of the structural integrity of the walls, air circulation, excessive moisture, and a million other concerns. Their maintenance is another difficulty entirely – one that transit organizations often have difficulty with.


The Most Beautiful Metro Stations In The World

Friday 7 November 2014

Top 10 Porn Searches for Women And Men

Porn searches are a weird topic. Some of these searches according to this top 10 list has got me confused as f***. There’s some weird, perverted sh!t in there.

So if you ever wondered what people both sexes search for when they are looking for Porn Alltime10s has the answers.

Top 10 Porn Searches for Men

Top 10 Porn Searches for Women

SEE ALSO: Why sex is good for your health

Top 10 Porn Searches for Women And Men

Collection Of OMG Moments

These perfectly timed photos have three things in common, they were captured in the perfect place, at the perfect time and with the perfect angle… a second before things went really bad.

The internet is abound with images shared by people who have captured images at just the right moment or from just the right perspective, so we wanted to share some more of them with you.



Collection Of OMG Moments

Funny And Clever Tattoo Ideas

The rising popularity of tattoos and the easing of the taboo surrounding them means that more and more people are choosing to express themselves with creative body art ideas that are meaningful to them.

As usual some ideas are bad, some are very good. In today’s gallery you’ll see the most interesting and cleverly designed.

If you want to see the worst tatttoos ever, here is something for you: Tattoo fails you may ask yourself “Why they did it to themselves?!” but you will not find an answer

Funny And Clever Tattoo Ideas

You Won't Believe Your Eyes! What Is This Unusual Natural Phenomena Happening In Australia?

An amazing cloud formation, the ABC reports, in the skies over east Victoria, Australia, in the Gippsland area. This type of cloud called a Fallstreak Hole.

This unusual phenomena is caused by part of a cloud freezing, and the particles falling but not reaching the ground, then it leaves a hole. For those that don’t know what it is, it might be easy to confuse it with a UFO.

Eextremely rare weather phenomenon: Northern lights in British skies
Beautiful winter phenomenon called frost flowers
Phenomenon of light in the sky in Russia
Weather phenomenon: rare lenticular clouds
Once a decade clouds engulf the Grand Canyon creating a surreal-scene

fallstreak hole, also known as a hole punch cloud, punch hole cloud, skypunch, canal cloud or cloud hole, is a large circular or elliptical gap that can appear in cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds. Such holes are formed when the water temperature in the clouds is below freezing but the water has not frozen yet due to the lack of ice nucleation particles (see supercooled water). When ice crystals do form it will set off a domino effect, due to the Bergeron process, causing the water droplets around the crystals to evaporate: this leaves a large, often circular, hole in the cloud.

You Won't Believe Your Eyes! What Is This Unusual Natural Phenomena Happening In Australia?

Thursday 6 November 2014

Why Are We Morbidly Curious?

You want to look away but can’t. For a species that certainly has no shame in loving their creature comforts, humans are paradoxically drawn to some pretty gruesome stuff.

VSauce explains why we can’t look away from tragic images.

The science gives an answer why are some people so lazy?
Why can’t we use phones on planes?
Why is time slower in rockets?
Why can’t we remember being babies
Why do we laugh?
Why we sleepwalk?
Why we hate our own voice?

Why Are We Morbidly Curious?

Hilarious Love Notes

Now that the SMS is king, love letters have largely gone the way of the dinosaur, but that doesn’t mean that couples still don’t like to share a love note or two once in a while. And when your significant other has a good sense of humor, they’re that much better!

SEE ALSO: All you need is love! We have facts to prove it

Love notes come in all shapes. See what partners left for their significant other.

Hilarious Love Notes

Big Dogs Caring For Little Kids

Dogs can be excellent companions for children when in the hands of a capable owner who knows how to read them. Anyone who has grown up with a dog knows that the love and compassion that they gave to and received from their canine soulmates is like nothing else in the world.

Here are some cuttest pictures we’ve found.

Cats and dogs with their famous humans
Dogs at 50mph
Interesting facts about dogs
Hilariously perfectly timed dog pictures

Big Dogs Caring For Little Kids

Portraits Of Hardcore Brazilian Soccer Fans

These soccer fans might not look normal but the truth is that they all live normal lives. The thing that’s different about them is that they live for the rush they get when they go into the stadium and watch their favorite game.

Some clubs have ‘firms’ who are basically a load of people who meet up after a game and fight. These are the types of people you don’t want to mess with. As you can see in these pictures.

SEE ALSO: Gang tattoos around the world

Portraits Of Hardcore Brazilian Soccer Fans

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Inside Look Of The Bat Hospital In Australia That Takes In Abandoned Baby Bats

If you think bats are terrifying, vampiric creatures of the night, you’ve got them all wrong. The abandoned bat pups being taken care of at the Tolga Bat Hospital in Atherton, Australia are proof that baby bats can be just as adorable as any kitten or puppy.

The fruit bat pups at the Tolga Bat Hospital in the Atherton Tablelands are brought in when they are afflicted by tick paralysis or when their mothers have died or become too ill to feed them (often from the same disease). Volunteers at the hospital nurse the bat pups back to health and then release them into the wild. The hospital also serves as a sanctuary for bats who have retired from zoos.

Heart warming pictures of people saving animals
These depressing photos of zoo animals show the need for change

For more info please visit: | Facebook
Image credits: Jurgen Freund Photography/ Caters News Agency

Inside Look Of The Bat Hospital In Australia That Takes In Abandoned Baby Bats

Latte Art That Is Far Too Beautiful To Drink

Latte art is far evolved in Japan when compared to the rest of the world. No, they don’t have a special latte printer. What they do have are lattes with hyper-realistic designs crafted into the drink’s foam. It’s quite impressive.

If beauty was something possible to admire before one’s first cup of coffee, then these would surely be preserved in museums for people to view in droves. Take a look at some of the best, most realistic creations Japan has to offer.



Latte Art That Is Far Too Beautiful To Drink

Famous Suicide Spots

Many of these places are popular natural and man made landmarks, but what makes them a magnet for suicides?

Without question, suicide is a deeply personal and complex issue. The reasoning behind it, and the emotions felt by those affected, can’t be described in a just a few short sentences. Instead, we’re often just left with lingering questions, trying to analyze what happened.

SEE ALSO: 15 simple tricks that help you to not be depressed


If you or anyone you know has had suicidal thoughts, please contact someone for help. offers an international listing of suicide hotlines or helplines throughout the world.

If you know anyone who could use some help, please have them call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. With someone always there to talk to, even anonymously, we’re sure it could have all the difference in the world to someone struggling with these issues.

Famous Suicide Spots

Robots Reborn. Upcycled Illuminated Robot Sculptures by Brauer

Bruno Lefevre-Brauer, known as Brauer, is a graphic designer living in Paris. Over the past 20 years he has designed numerous album covers for French and international artists and pursued his personal artistic expression through painting and sculpture.

An artist who regularly exhibits in Paris, these charming illuminated metal upcycled robots are from his series “Viva la Roboluciòn!”

SEE ALSO: Worlds 10 most amazing robots

More than their technological features, he tries to reveal the original, almost primitive, form of the robots he creates. Brauer carefully chooses vintage objects that have an industrial past, that are marked by time and whose patina has been moulded by years of manual use. He admires the beauty, sometimes hidden, of these discarded industrial parts, alters their appearance, sculpts them, and incorporates light sources into their structure before assembling the parts together to create a unique and poetic piece.

The beauty of the materials and the venerable patinas express their beauty in the light of day, while at night, it is the turn of the strange, evocative light fittings to reveal their magic. Right from conception, the element of light is an integral part of the artwork: each robot is designed to interact with it’s environment in a different way whether it is turned on or off.

Abandoned or forgotten in workshops and garages, the industrial parts are reborn in unique works of art that embrace us with their kind presence, imposing personality, and amazing humanity.

Each piece is a statement of poetic resistance to mass-consumption.

For more please visit Brauer’s website

Robots Reborn. Upcycled Illuminated Robot Sculptures by Brauer

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Some of The Craziest Japanese Soda Flavors

Pepsi had a few flavor experiments in the U.S. over the years, such as the admirable “Pepsi Holiday Spice” from the early 2000s. Yet nothing that can touch what the Pepsi scientists in Japan are doing.

Check out these Japanese Pepsi flavors: the good, the bad, the just plain bizarre.

SEE ALSO: Japan is a totally different world

SEE ALSO: English for the japanese: learn the correct way to use the f-word

Some of The Craziest Japanese Soda Flavors

Pictures That Capture The Meaning Of True Love

If you don’t know what true love is, these pictures will help you figure it out pretty quick.

Despite our differences, we’re all human beings. These powerful images have restored all my faith in the world.

Money can buy you love
All you need is love. We have facts to prove it
Stunning moments when we loved each other in the face of violence

Pictures That Capture The Meaning Of True Love

Stunning Photos That Reveal A Glimpse Of What Lies Beneath The Water's Surface

You never know what lies beneath the surface of the ocean until you get into it.  When you see what finally awaits below, you’ll never feel content with seeing it any other way.

These views are nothing short of amazing and serve as an important reminder that we don’t know much about what goes on beneath the surface, even in the parts we think we see. Take a look.

Stunning underwater hotel room
Extraordinary underwater museum that will make you speechless
How much of the world will be underwater if the polar ice caps melt?
Underwater hunting on one breath
Stunning underwater photography

Stunning Photos That Reveal A Glimpse Of What Lies Beneath The Water's Surface

Jaw-Dropping Storm Footage

High plains storms are some of the most beautiful and wild in the world.

To create Stormscapes 2, Nicolaus Wegner spent May – September of 2014 capturing all types of severe weather in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado.

For storm prints from the video, check out light ALIVE photography.

Jaw-Dropping Storm Footage

Monday 3 November 2014

Houses Built In Total Isolation

We live in a world of relationships and constant contact with each other. However, there are many people who enjoy solitude. If you are not a people person here is our selection of houses built in total isolation that would be perfect for you.

Say goodbye to civilization!

Modern eco-friendly homes set amongst the trees
Amazing homes that are beautifully situated
New chapter in private homes design: extraordinary pyramid house
Beautiful modern homes
Beautiful bohemian homes

Houses Built In Total Isolation

Images That Will Enrich Your Knowledge

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then an animated gif must be priceless! These incredible animated GIFS just might teach you how things work in the world!

Through these animations I hope you will have a greater appreciation for the ingenuity of humans and a newfound respect for the great thinkers and inventors throughout history. Enjoy!

25 gifs that teach you math concepts
Gifs that explain the world around us
Gifs that will give you a mind twist

Images That Will Enrich Your Knowledge

Beethoven For Elephants

Musician Paul Barton took his piano to the mountains of Kanchanaburi, Thailand to play for some very old, injured and handicapped elephants, especially a blind elephant named Plara (immediately behind the piano).

For those curious, all the keys are made from synthetic plastic material.  

The incredible story of a little girl growing up alongside wild animals
US crushes 6 tons of seized ivory to save elephants
Kenya wildlife service relocates elephants

Beethoven For Elephants

Amazing Photos Of Butterfly And Moth Transformations

The animal kingdom is full of beautiful and mysterious processes, but there are few that are more captivating and wonderful than the metamorphoses that caterpillars undergo to become moths or butterflies.

SEE ALSO: Butterfly in epic slow motion

Perhaps even more amazing than the drastic transformation is how it happens. Inside their cocoons, the caterpillars are completely liquified, retaining only rudimentary “plates” that are the starting points for important features like the wings and eyes. Despite the fact that they are reduced to a protein soup, studies have indicated that some butterflies can retain behaviors that they were taught as caterpillars. Far out!

The cool thing is that many of these caterpillars are almost as impressive, if not more so, than their moth or butterfly counterparts. Their bright markings and structures often serve as protection, advertising their poisonous nature or giving predators false targets to attack.

Amazing Photos Of Butterfly And Moth Transformations

Sunday 2 November 2014

Saturday 1 November 2014

A Giant Sculpture Crawls Out Of The Ground In Public Square Of Budapest

Artist Ervin Loránth Hervé created an impressive sculpture called “Popped Up” that depicts a giant man crawling out of the earth. The polystyrene sculpture is located at Széchenyi Square in Budapest, Hungary, and was one of the highlights for the Art Market Budapest 2014 international contemporary art fair.

Art Market Budapest is an annual exhibition and art fair that puts contemporary Central and Eastern European art and artists in the spotlight. Aside from art exhibitions, the fair features round table discussions, artist interviews, book launches, presentations and other events.

SEE ALSO: Most creative sculptures and statues you can find around the world

More info:
via Boredpanda

A Giant Sculpture Crawls Out Of The Ground In Public Square Of Budapest

Mind Bogglingly Odd Conspiracy Theories About the Ebola Outbreak

If these Ebola conspiracy theories seem pretty out there, that’s because they are. However, that didn’t stop people from coming up with them. Some say the deadly disease is a population control tool, a weapon of mass destruction, or even non-existent.

In reality, none of these things are confirmed to be true, but that doesn’t make these theories any less interesting to read. Check them out below.

SEE ALSO: Conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

Mind Bogglingly Odd Conspiracy Theories About the Ebola Outbreak