Tuesday 20 May 2014

Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Most Mind Blowing Tweets

The field of astrophysics–let alone the people who comprise it–often presents itself as unapproachable. Its intricacies and wonders are hidden behind a tall wall of academia and advanced formulae. Thus when the world meets a character like Neil DeGrasse Tyson,  the internet’s favorite science guy, whose sharp intelligence is matched by his rapier yet accessible wit, we all go a little gaga. Especially when we get bite size pieces of his wisdom, humor and brilliance via Twitter.

Tyson currently has nearly two million followers on the social media platform, which is approximately the population of Latvia. And with trinkets like those featured below, it’s easy to see why.

Here are 25 Neil DeGrasse Tyson tweets chockfull of trivia you know you’ll end up dropping when you want to impress someone. Just hope they’re not one of his followers.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Most Mind Blowing Tweets

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