Tuesday 30 September 2014

15 Worst Products For Lazy People

Are you lazy? If so we’ve got something especially for you.

From wire frames to help you pull up your socks to angled reading glasses so you don’t have to tilt your head up, we count 15 notoriously lazy products for lazy people.

The science gives an answer why are some people so lazy
Why weed makes you lazy

15 Worst Products For Lazy People

Bitcoin trading

Bitcoin trading

When you think of trading, items such as gold, silver and stocks and shares may come to mind. However, in recent years some spread betting companies have widened their scope to deal in other items, the virtual currency Bitcoin being an example.

Last year saw perhaps the peak in the demand for Bitcoins with the price of a single coin rising to a high of $266 in one day only for that to soon fall back to $54. The popularity of the currency took some by surprise but the fact they were unique added to their appeal.

There is no central authority or banks dealing with Bitcoin, it operates purely through peer to peer technology, so it is a public currency owned collectively by the network and open to everyone.

One way of trading in Bitcoins without actually physically owning the commodity is through a Contract for Difference (CFD) which sees an agreement between the seller and the buyer to pay the difference as the price of the commodity rises or falls. So the trader has the benefits of trading in Bitcoins without having actual possession of the coins.

Benefits of Bitcoins

As a system it has several advantages along with some drawbacks. In the plus column it has a low inflation risk unlike many other worldwide currencies. This is because there are only a certain number of Bitcoins in use. Only around 21 million will be mined, so it is a finite resource.

It is also not at the mercy of governments. The financial crisis seen a few years ago, threatened to bring down banks and destroy savings. Because Bitcoin is a virtual global currency it is unlikely to be affected by the normal worldwide financial situation.

It is also generally simpler and cheaper because transactions take place between the individuals themselves rather than through intermediaries such as banks.


There are risks involved with Bitcoins however. With normal financial dealings, such as credit cards and bank accounts, you have security in place to fall back on should crime occur or if you simply lose a card. With Bitcoins, if you lose the currency then it is gone and there is generally no way you can get it back.

It can attract crime just as other means of payment and, whereas if someone hacks into your computer and gets your bank details, there is a good chance you will recover any money lost; with Bitcoin, if someone hacks into your wallet, you will probably never see the “money” again.

It has other drawbacks too; notably it is still relatively new and there are many places which have not caught onto it and will not accept it as a form of payment. It is also quite volatile as the experience last year, of prices of a single coin going up to $266 then quickly down to $54 testifies.

The future

However, though still in relative infancy, Bitcoin looks like it is here to stay and looks to be a trading commodity for the foreseeable future. It is already the subject of spread betting and there may, in the future, be bonds and regulations. It is just one of a growing number of unusual trades which are growing in popularity.

Though traders still overwhelmingly deal in the more established markets such as the pound, the Euro, the dollar and the FTSE, others exemplified by Bitcoin, are finding their way into markets and look to establish themselves as viable trading commodities.

Bitcoin trading

Don't Park Like A Jerk Or You Will Pay The Price

Post dedicated to those jerks who do not care about anyone else they may inconvenience in their pursuit of a parking space.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to park like this.

SEE ALSO: Stunning modern home that change shape on button click

Don't Park Like A Jerk Or You Will Pay The Price

Monday 29 September 2014

New York's Amazing New High Line Park

The High Line is an elevated freight rail line transformed into a public park on Manhattan’s West Side. It is owned by the City of New York, and maintained and operated by Friends of the High Line. Founded in 1999 by community residents, Friends of the High Line fought for the High Line’s preservation and transformation at a time when the historic structure was under the threat of demolition.

SEE ALSO: The coolest sky gardens

It is now the non-profit conservancy working with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation to make sure the High Line is maintained as an extraordinary public space for all visitors to enjoy.

In addition to overseeing maintenance, operations, and public programming for the park, Friends of the High Line works to raise the essential private funds to support more than 90 percent of the park’s annual operating budget, and to advocate for the transformation of the High Line at the rail yards, the third and final section of the historic structure, which runs between West 30th and West 34th Streets.

New York's Amazing New High Line Park

Completely Useless Life Hacks

Most of the time life hacks are pretty helpful. These ones however are the completely opposite.The main thing these life hacks are good for is entertaining you when you’re bored.  Ok… maybe some of these are useful.

SEE ALSO: Totally useless but interesting facts you wish you knew before

Enjoy these selection of the most pointless and useless life hacks ever.

(The one with the swimming cap is the best!)



Completely Useless Life Hacks

Perfect The Art Of Bingo Lingo

Many people would claim that they don’t have a knack for learning a language and that’s why they never bothered trying with French or Spanish at school. But there’s one language that though we may all find it mysterious when we first come across it we can learn to speak with aplomb in a matter of minutes – and that’s bingo lingo.

Online bingo is one of the most popular games on the internet today – with over 100 million registered bingo site members around the world. And one of the biggest reasons that people choose to play bingo online is that they can chat to other players at the same time as playing the games.

This is because every bingo ticket you buy gives you access to the bingo chat room the game is linked to; where you can socialize with players who are entered into the same game as you. It adds to the fun of playing bingo as you have people to share the highs and lows of the games with – as the numbers on your cards get daubed off automatically by the software and it looks like you’re going to be the winner but then you’re suddenly pipped to the post by another player! If you win, you can celebrate with other people in the chat room and if you lose, they’ll commiserate with you instead.

When you first enter a chat room on a bingo site, you might wonder what’s going on as you try to follow the conversation. People use a lot of acronyms and abbreviations and you’d be forgiven for not knowing what something like GLE means. Often used just before a game starts this is a shorthand way of saying Good Luck Everyone (and far quicker to type than the whole thing!). Other examples include things such as AFC (Away from computer), a polite way to let people know you’re not ignoring them, you’re just temporarily absent, BBS (Be back soon), AYT (Are you there?) and BLNG (Better Luck Next Game).

To learn and improve at this new language the best thing to do is join a bingo site like Winner Bingo, 888bingo or Gala and start playing games and going into the chat rooms. You’ll find that most bingo sites offer a generous welcome bonus of free credit to get new players to sign up. The free bingo bonus at Winner, for example, gives new players an extra £30 to play with when they top up their account with just £10 in the first week of registering. With bingo games starting at 1p or 2p, that’s a lot of gaming credit to have at your disposal. And it won’t be long before you’re chatting to the other bingo roomies like a pro!

There are plenty of other reasons to spend time in the bingo chat rooms – not least the chance to join in the chat games that the chat moderator will run at different times. Chat games are little bonus free games where you can stand to win extra cash prizes and free entries to other bingo games on the schedule. They’re not difficult to play and some people actually win more through the chat games than they do on the regular games.

It’s all part of the bingo sites’ strategies to keep their players loyal. By making sure that the chat room atmosphere is fun and friendly and giving players extra chances to win, they ensure that the players keep coming back for more.

Next time you’ve got five minutes to spare and you want to learn something new, get online and join a bingo site, enter a chat room and start to learn the bingo lingo. While you’re acquiring your new skill, you never know what could happen, you might play a bingo game that lands you a huge cash prize, enough maybe to take you on a holiday to foreign shores where you can try learning another new language!

Perfect The Art Of Bingo Lingo

The Essence Of The American Teenager Captured In Joseph Szabo's Photos

Joseph Szabo spent 20 years photographing American teenagers between the 60s and 80s. He managed to capture so many great moments in his photographs. These pictures truly tell the story of what it’s like to be a teenager in America.

Some kids are painfully self-conscious, others are self-assured beyond their years–all have allowed Szabo the unique trust of seeing them as they are. The fine line between intimacy and exploitation that other photographers approach is not in evidence here–Szabo has no agenda beyond the recording of these moments of extreme loveliness, bravo, and confusion.

SEE ALSO: New York City in 1973

The Essence Of The American Teenager Captured In Joseph Szabo's Photos

Friday 26 September 2014

Splendid Photos Of Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali was simultaneously an artist and a work of art. When not piecing together some of the most out-there, psychedelic portraits known to man, Dali did the same with his public persona. His classic, occasionally nonsensical one liners like “I don’t do drugs; I am drugs” have gone down in history, along with photos of him walking an anteater and, naturally, shaping his inimitable mustache into a dollar bill.

SEE ALSO: Bizzare interesting photos

Following photos show, Dali’s surreal way of life.

Splendid Photos Of Salvador Dali

There’s A Car That’s Powered By Salt Water!

A company that claims to have developed the first electric car powered by salt water says the vehicle has now been approved for testing on public roads in Germany and the EU.

If a salt water-powered car was released to the public, would you drive it?

Julian joins DNews is here to talk about the first ever car powered by water!

SEE ALSO: Benefits of buying environmentally friendly car

There’s A Car That’s Powered By Salt Water!

Colorful Fall Photos To Prepare You To The Changing Of Seasons

Summer has just ended. It is impossible to deny that forever. Fall is upon us.

Kids are back in school, and the sunlight is starting to make itself scarce. These 30 colorful fall photos will remind you of all the things you love about autumn. These colorful fall photos prove that there’s no reason to have the summertime blues.

SEE ALSO: Stunning autumn in Tuscany

Colorful Fall Photos To Prepare You To The Changing Of Seasons

Thursday 25 September 2014

13 Misconceptions About Global Warming

There are a lot of misconceptions floating around when it comes to climate change and global warming.

If this past winter was particularly harsh where you live, you might have that one friend asking, “If global warming is actually real, why was our winter so cold?” Or what about when people say, “Didn’t arctic sea ice increase recently? How is that evidence for global warming?”

What you think you know climate shifts may not be the whole story, after all. Watch this if you’re willing to accept some shocking facts about climate change.

SEE ALSO: If all the ice on Earth melted…

13 Misconceptions About Global Warming

Most Expensive Things Ever

Think of the most expensive thing you can. Gold? Diamonds? Heroin? Congratulations, you’re right! But those are only three of the most expensive items on the planet.

There’s some astronomically expensive items and luxuries used for medicine, food, decoration, and recreation. These substances cost major bank and have spurred laws, crimes and tons of history. Let’s check them out.

Spoiled rich kids of instagram (Part 1)
Spoiled rich kids of instagram (Part 2) 

Most Expensive Things Ever

Can You Believe That's a Cake?

Unlike the regular round/square shaped cakes that have been around for centuries, some confectioners decided to focus on cakes that went above and beyond of what’s expected. They are crafting incredibly realistic looking cakes.

SEE ALSO: National flag made from traditional foods

Here is colection of the best cake desing ideas for you to enjoy!


Can You Believe That's a Cake?

Strange And Surprising Science Discoveries

Science is still a very mysterious subject so there are millions of trivial facts about it . Every day, scientists make discoveries that change the way we live.

SEE ALSO: The most amazing discoveries made while on drugs

This list explores a variety of fascinating scientific facts that you probably are unaware of.

Strange And Surprising Science Discoveries

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Which Is More Hygienic: Paper Towel Or Hand Dryers?

We all know 80% of common infectious diseases are spread by our hands and effective hand washing remains our best defense – but what about hand drying?

Are all methods created equal? Which method is better and why?

Before you read the results of this latest study, please cast your vote on which drying method is more effective. See video below and find out more.

SEE ALSO: Horrifying incurable diseases

Which Is More Hygienic: Paper Towel Or Hand Dryers?

Icelandic Police Are Probably The Coolest Cops Ever

Iceland has such a low crime rate that the cops can spend more time hanging out with the citizens instead of busting them.

SEE ALSO: Good cops

Photos posted in the official Instagram account managed by the police force in Reykjavík, Iceland, may come as a lovely surprise.  Police officers show us that it is possible to have fun while you work. Check out their photos below.

You can follow these guys on Instgram

Icelandic Police Are Probably The Coolest Cops Ever

See How The Inside Of A Turtles Mouth Looks Like. Absolutely Terrifying!

Chances are you’ve probably never seen the inside of a turtles mouth or even wondered what it looked like.

SEE ALSO: Amazing close-ups of animal eyes by Suren Manvelyan

The leatherback turtle is the biggest turtle in the world. These creatures start out small and then grow into giant 1,000 monsters of the deep. On the outside they just look like your regular, everyday giant turtle. But when they open their mouths it’s a whole different story.

Well after you see what it looks like in there, you will never forget it.

See How The Inside Of A Turtles Mouth Looks Like. Absolutely Terrifying!

Shocking Deathbed Confessions

Imagine keeping a secret so heinous that you couldn’t tell anyone you love…and holding it in until death. On a deathbed, many people feel safe enough to let their secrets out, knowing they will face whatever comes next with a clear conscience.

Here are some famous examples of people that had to get something off their chest in their final hour. Some of these are truly shocking.

SEE ALSO: Things people regret the most before they die

Shocking Deathbed Confessions

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Space's 10 Most Gigantic Disasters

Welcome to the Universe’s most explosive show!

SEE ALSO: History’s most incredible and forgotten disasters

Space's 10 Most Gigantic Disasters

Once Upon a Time... The Accidental Tale of Jerome Street

Street artists and their work are always under threat from local authorities. Removal teams painting over street art are almost as common as street art itself.

The UK-based street artist Mobstr had an idea. For his latest piece, he incorporated the work of his city’s graffiti clean-up crew to tell a story, one line at a time, on a single wall. Each time crews covered up a line, he wrote the next one on top of the covered up words. The cycle repeated itself until Mobstr finished the story.

Check the innovative street art story below:

SEE ALSO: Great examples of creative crosswalks street art

Once Upon a Time... The Accidental Tale of Jerome Street

Cool Ads That Redefine Clever Advertising

In our modern world, we’re bombarded by terrible low quality ads that are just annoying. But good advertising reaches out to people and doesn’t leave them annoyed.

SEE ALSO: Drastic campaign ads promoting environmental protection

Luckily there is something like ambient: ads crossed with street and sometimes even performance art. Marketers could learn a lesson from some of these clever ads. Not only are they compelling, but they are creative on so many levels. You’re going to be blown away.

Cool Ads That Redefine Clever Advertising

How Common Is Your Birthday? You Will Be Surprised!

If you have ever wondered how common your birthday is, look no further.  This chart, created by a user on Reddit, displays just how common birthdays are in the US. It was based off data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Do you know just how common yours is? You may be surprised.

Happy Birthday, Internet!


The next graph shows the most common day of the week for births.


The data is slightly out of date, but it seems reasonable that it didn’t change much in the past 10 years. It’s worth noting that Saturdays and Sundays aren’t favored by the expecting, while those pesky workdays later in the week get a lot of love.

The following graphs show the most popular holiday to be born on, a different view of the most popular day of the week, and the season featuring the most “I’m pregnant” conversations.


How Common Is Your Birthday? You Will Be Surprised!

Monday 22 September 2014

Stupid And Bizzare Celebrity Baby Names

Apparently, some celebrities just don’t get enough attention, so they name their kids something really dumb to stand out. Here are some of the weirdest.

Fame does strange things to people…

SEE ALSO: Real celebrities: before and after photoshop

Stupid And Bizzare Celebrity Baby Names

8 Real-Life Doomsday Devices That May Destroy The World

A doomsday device is a hypothetical construction — usually a weapon, or collection of weapons — which could destroy all life on a planet, particularly the Earth, or destroy the planet itself. They have been present in literature and art especially in the 20th century, when advances in science and technology made world destruction (or at least the eradication of all human life) a credible scenario. But how is it in real life?

Unfortunately, not much better. There are a few of insanely powerful weapons that exist … and in the wrong hands? they could destroy us all. 

SEE ALSO: These 23 mind blowing facts will destroy your understanding of time

Most of these weapons are in the hands of American forces… but the technology isn’t exactly new. There could be lots of powerful weapons hiding in bunkers all over the world.

8 Real-Life Doomsday Devices That May Destroy The World

The World’s Largest Swimming Pool

The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes the swimming pool at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Algarrobo, Chile as the largest swimming pool on Earth. The $2 billion pool is .6 miles long with a total area of 19.77 acres and holds a staggering 66 million gallons of water. This is the equivalent to about 6,000 8-meter long pools.

Beautifuly set along the coastline, this pool is larger than 20 Olympic-size pools. It is large enough for sailing!

SEE ALSO: Beautiful natural swimming pools completely free of chemicals with water that is natural and alive.

The World’s Largest Swimming Pool

Sunday 21 September 2014

15 Creepiest Mass Suicides Of All Time

Mass suicide occurs when a group of people commit suicide simultaneously. While the idea of one person taking their own life is heartbreaking and confusing enough, the truth is that, in dire situations, it has happened on a mass scale.

From cults that’ll make you drink some really bad Kool-Aid to war victims that choose death over torture, we count 15 times a large group of people have committed mass suicide.

SEE ALSO: Kurt Cobain suicide scene photos

15 Creepiest Mass Suicides Of All Time

Optical Illusion Street Art on Boxes Is Like A Puzzle For Your Eyes

Recently EPFL, the Polytechnic Federal School of Lausanne invited Truly Design Studio to participate in the “Art on Science” public exhibition, focused on optical illusions meant to inspire, confuse and most importantly, think. Truly created an installation called Vanitas, a tribute to a widely depicted theme in the history of arts.

SEE ALSO: Optical illusion tattoos

The four pieces were created to see the entirety from a specific vantage point created an optical illusion from any other perspective. As you can see they didn’t just create street art, they created a masterpiece.

“Alongside symbols of worldly ambition, scientific accomplishments, and vanity, we find allegories of the frail and transient nature of our existence. Far from being a morbid or bleak rebuke, it is an invitation to treasure in humbleness every instant of our precious lives.”

Optical Illusion Street Art on Boxes Is Like A Puzzle For Your Eyes

Saturday 20 September 2014

Life Looks Really Different Through An MRI Machine

Magnetic Resonance Imaging “sees” inside the body by mapping the position of water molecules, which exist at different densities in different types of tissue. Watch the video for a sample of some impressive MRI images of the human body in action.

SEE ALSO: Most bizarre X-Rays in the history of medicine

Life Looks Really Different Through An MRI Machine

Japan Is A Totally Different World

Japan can be an odd place. It is a lovely country with a rich, interesting history and culture. And because of its different culture their society has different standards as to what we considered ‘normal’.

SEE ALSO: Ultimate weird japanese commercials compilation

Feudal samurai ideals clash with cutting edge computers; aged survivors of the only country which endured the full wrath of the atomic bomb mix with teenagers in Pokemon outfits.  Although it hosts one of the most massive economies on the planet, Japan is extremely insular, and its culture is often misunderstood by outsiders.

Japan Is A Totally Different World

Friday 19 September 2014

The History Of Tattoos

If you have a tattoo, you’re part of a rich cultural history that dates back at least 8,000 years. Where did this practice of body modification come from, and how has its function changed over time?

Addison Anderson tracks the history of getting inked.

SEE ALSO: This is what your tattoo will look like in 40 years

Lesson by Addison Anderson, animation by The Think Blot.

The History Of Tattoos

Curious Cats Stuck in Things

As we know there is a proof that cats are liquids. They will take any chance to show they are liquids by jumping into various boxes, jars or pots no matter how small they are. But sometimes they overestimate their capabilities.

Check out these 25 hilarious photos of cats stuck in things. Let’s just say it’s a good thing they have nine lives.

 No cats were hurt in any of these photoshoots. In fact, cats love getting into tight spaces.

Curious Cats Stuck in Things

This Is What Going To The Dentist Used To Look Like In Past

Going to the dentist in unquestionably one of the worst experiences of human existence. However, it could be worse. Oh, it could be so much worse.

SEE ALSO: Terrifying surgical tools you want to stay away from

What you see below aren’t medieval torture devices, but were actually used by dentists of old to make mouths ‘better’.

I used to be afraid of the dentist… and now I’m terrified. Thank goodneComments 199ss we have smaller needles, faster drills and better numbing agents.

This Is What Going To The Dentist Used To Look Like In Past

Greetings Around the World

Some people shake hands, some kiss and hug. Others just say hello. These exchanges are commonfor us., but how do people in other countries greet each other?

If you’re a world traveler, then you know that people even have to worry about offending someone by not using the correct greeting. We hope this list of greetings you may come across will ease some of the confusion during your travels. Take a look!

SEE ALSO: 10 gestures that may seem innocent but they mean something bad in other countries

(via Mental_Floss)

Greetings Around the World

Thursday 18 September 2014

The Simpsons Tell It Like It Is

We all love The Simpsons, right? But did you notice that behind all the laughter and quirky fun lies some dark, sad truths? Some more noticeable than others.

SEE ALSO: Real life events predicted by Simpsons

The Simpsons has given us so many memorable quotes and these are just some of the awesome truths that they’ve revealed about life over the years.

The Simpsons Tell It Like It Is

These May Be The Worst Marriage Proposals Ever

Marriage proposals are supposed to be sweet, romantic and memorable which makes us wonder, what were these people going for?

SEE ALSO: The weirdes engagement photos ever

The following methods are fantastic ways to embarrass yourself with the person you at least originally intend to spend forever with and sadly enough, most of them have actually happened.

These May Be The Worst Marriage Proposals Ever

This Is Why You Shouldn't Brag About Growing Marijuana

This kid decided to brag about the fact that he was growing marijuana all over the popular social networks. As you can tell by the second picture, that probably wasn’t such a good idea.

SEE ALSO: Marijuana disinformation

He was busted in no time. Hopefully he got a lot of likes and retweets.


This Is Why You Shouldn't Brag About Growing Marijuana

See What Heaven Looks Like According To Various Religions

It’s impossible to say whether or not there is an afterlife (even though some people have claimed to see heaven during near-death experiences). One thing is certain, though: a lot of people believe there is. The debate of whether there’s a heaven or an afterlife is one that has been raging for quite some time. Countless people have even dedicated their lives to figuring out if it really exists.

SEE ALSO: Things people regret the most before they die

But what a lot of people overlook about heaven is that it isn’t the same in all religions. Some religions don’t have a clearly defined notion of an afterlife at all. So what do most people think will happen after we exit this mortal coil?

See What Heaven Looks Like According To Various Religions

Wednesday 17 September 2014

10 Near Indestructible Creatures

Without a doubt, there are some animals that seem like they should be in a sci-fi movie. They can survive fire, ice and even the vacuum of space.

SEE ALSO: 10 creatures that lived longer than the oldest known human

Discover the weird and wonderful world of animals that can live forever.

10 Near Indestructible Creatures

8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat

Food scientists are shedding light on items loaded with toxins and chemicals–and simple swaps for a cleaner diet and supersized health. Experts from different areas of specialty explain why they won’t eat these eight foods.

Clean eating means choosing fruits, vegetables, and meats that are raised, grown, and sold with minimal processing. Often they’re organic, and rarely (if ever) should they contain additives. But in some cases, the methods of today’s food producers are neither clean nor sustainable. The result is damage to our health, the environment, or both.

SEE ALSO: What if all natural food had labels

So we decided to take a fresh look at food through the eyes of the people who spend their lives uncovering what’s safe–or not–to eat. ” Their answers don’t necessarily make up a “banned foods” list. But reaching for the suggested alternatives might bring you better health–and peace of mind.

8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat

What Heavy Backpacks Are Doing To Kids' Bodies

Backpacks come in all sizes, colors, fabrics, and shapes. When worn correctly, the weight in a backpack is evenly distributed across the body, and shoulder and neck injuries are less common than if someone carried a briefcase or purse.

SEE ALSO: The effects of flip flops on your body

As practical as backpacks are, though, they can strain muscles and joints and may cause back pain if they’re too heavy or are used incorrectly.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, at least 14,000 children are treated for backpack-related injuries every year.


What Heavy Backpacks Are Doing To Kids' Bodies

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Brave Animal Astronauts Who Made Giant Leaps For Humankind

We’ve all heard stories of animal heroes, but what about animals that were true pioneers? Did you know that the first astronauts were actually cuddly little animals? It’s true! Scientists were afraid of the effects of space travel would be hazardous to humans, so they sent animals up instead.

This weird obsession with lobbing animals at the sky started in 1783 when the Montgolfier Brothers invented the hot air balloon.

Instead of putting a convicted criminal in the balloon during its first public test flight like the king wanted, the brothers instead gathered a ragtag team of a sheep, a duck and a rooster. The animals never left the Earth’s atmosphere, but man was it adorable.

SEE ALSO: The russian sleep experiment. Are you brave enough?

Here are some of the brave animals who made giant leaps for humankind. Unfortunately, the majority of the animals sent into space didn’t have a safe journey back home.

Brave Animal Astronauts Who Made Giant Leaps For Humankind

Brain-To-Brain Communication Finally Achieved!

We have finally achieved brain-to-brain communication in humans! In a first-of-its-kind study, an international team of neuroscientists and robotics engineers has demonstrated the viability of direct brain-to-brain communication in humans. Researchers at Harvard University have created the first noninvasive brain-to-brain interface (BBI) between a human… and a rat.

What does this news mean?

Trace is here to explain.

SEE ALSO: Hack your brains default mode with meditation

Brain-To-Brain Communication Finally Achieved!

Brain-To-Brain Communication Finally Achieved!

We have finally achieved brain-to-brain communication in humans! In a first-of-its-kind study, an international team of neuroscientists and robotics engineers has demonstrated the viability of direct brain-to-brain communication in humans. Researchers at Harvard University have created the first noninvasive brain-to-brain interface (BBI) between a human… and a rat.

What does this news mean?

Trace is here to explain.

SEE ALSO: Hack your brains default mode with meditation

Brain-To-Brain Communication Finally Achieved!

The World Will Be So Much Prettier With Such Amazing Power Lines Design

Power lines are an ugly, but necessary part of modern society. Most of the ones in the United States are made from wood, or ugly, boring steel. Some architects though, are dreaming up a solution to the power line eyesore problem: make them prettier.

These designs for new, more elegant, and artistic power lines are pretty amazing.

A similar problem we are dealing with the cell towers. To combat this, some companies have attempted to ‘disguise’ them to better blend in with their surroundings. This initiative has resulted in varying levels of success.

SEE ALSO: Examples of cell phone tower disguises

The World Will Be So Much Prettier With Such Amazing Power Lines Design

5 Myths About Dinosaurs, Debunked

Everyone loves dinosaurs! Those toothy, prehistoric creatures have charmed and mystified humans for… … well, probably since the first person stumbled across a massive bone and wondered what it might have been. Documented discoveries of dinosaur remains date back to the Middle Ages, when people thought they must have belonged to Biblical monsters and giants.

SEE ALSO: Own a piece of prehistory from NYC dinosaur fossil auction

But now? We’re just now realizing those strange things we thought about dinosaurs were probably false.


1. Dinosaurs were dumb

A method of measurung dino intelligence was developed in the 1970s. It determined the general level of intellect in dinosaurs based on the brain weight of one dino relative to that of another species of its time. Turns out velociraptors are pretty smart, but anyone who’s seen Jurassic Park can tell you that.

2. The brontosaurus in general


First of all, the “brontosaurus” never actually existed. It was invented by mistake when an apatosaurus skeleton was mistaken for a new species in the 19th century. The apatosaurus is just the proper name for the brontosaurus–they’re still the hulking plant-eaters with their long necks and pea heads that we all know and love.

SEE ALSO: The dinosaurs you love are fake

3. Dinosaurs were covered in scales

Dinosaurs with feathers are not a new idea, but recent fossil evidence suggests that feathers were much more common than previously thought, with most or even all dinosaurs sporting some kind of plumage as well as scales. It’s possible that feathers developed as early as 160 million years ago.


4. Dinosaurs were cold-blooded

Since today’s reptiles are cold-blooded, it was reasonable to think that dinosaurs were as well, as opposed to being warm-blooded like birds. However, based on the size and growth rate of dinosaurs, many researchers now believe that dinosaurs were mezotherms, creatures that fall somewhere in the middle of warm- and cold-blooded. This means that while they wouldn’t have been able to control their body temperature like mammals, they’re less dependent on their environment than reptiles.


5. Dinosaurs were slow

We’re all familiar with the image of the giant dino taking a big, slow-mo stomp, but that’s probably inaccurate. Computer simulations of movement, based on bone structures and on movements of modern animals, suggest that they were pretty speedy. The tiny compsognathus is believed to have been the fastest with a running speed of about 40mph. The much larger T-rex could reach about 18mph, which would still be too fast for you.

So, there you have it. In a way, this suggests that dinosaurs might have been a little more like us and like modern animals than previously thought. Evolution is amazing!

5 Myths About Dinosaurs, Debunked

Monday 15 September 2014

Power of Optics. Amazing Rube Goldberg Machine Powered By Light And Magnifying Glasses.

To advertise their new fiber optics Internet connection called hikari (which means light in Japanese), Japanese Internet provider au made this really cool ad featuring a Rube Goldberg machine that is powered by nothing but light and magnifying glasses…well and gravity too, of course.

A Rube Goldberg machine is an over-engineered contraption that is designed to perform a very simple task in a complicated way (usually using some kind of chain reaction). You could say that this epic creation works at the speed of light! Very impressive.

SEE ALSO: A machine that seems to work forever

The sound design alone in that video was simply amazing. Put on some good headphones and listen to how wide the soundscape is. As an audiophile I was more impressed by that than the video, and that’s saying something because the video was insanely awesome.

Power of Optics. Amazing Rube Goldberg Machine Powered By Light And Magnifying Glasses.

The 30 Filthiest Tourist Attractions On The Planet!

Tourist attractions attract people from all over the world, but they also attract loads of germs! So, if you’ve always fancied having coffee and biscuits with a rat, wanted to visit a museum coveredentirely in hair or just always dreamt of seeing cockroaches dressed up as Elvis, then this infographic is for you!

SEE ALSO: Filthy India (not for sensitive viewers)

Come and journey with us on a tour of the ‘Top 30 Filthiest Tourist Attractions on the Planet’!


The 30 Filthiest Tourist Attractions On The Planet!

Cute Photogenic Animals

Some of people are gifted with being photogenic, others are sadly not. These ridiculously photogenic animals however don’t have to worry about that -they always look good, no matter what. Somehow, they’re naturally photogenic (and way more than I’ll ever be).

SEE ALSO: Beluga whale plays peek-a-boo with kids at aquarium

If the animal kingdom had its own version of Facebook, these adorable animals would never have to worry about un-tagging any unflattering photos. The natural beauties were clearly born to be in front of a camera! 

Cute Photogenic Animals

Amazing Portraits of Amazing People

Ther is now more than 7 million people living on our planet. And everyone is unique and unrepeatable. Every single one of these people has a story to tell.

SEE ALSO: People who make a world a little better

This incredible collection of moments represents the the emotions that unite us – it’s what makes us human.

Amazing Portraits of Amazing People

Friday 12 September 2014

The iPhone 6: Do you like it?

Apple officially unveiled the much anticipated iPhone 6.

It’s the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 plus! iPhone 6 has a 4.7-inch display and iPhone 6 Plus has a 5.5-inch display.

“I’m honored to be the one to tell you about the new iPhones. Their design is like nothing ever before. Incredibly unique. The glass front, the curves around the side, to meet seemlessly with the aluminum back.”

SEE ALSO: What did Apple really invent


The iPhone 6: Do you like it?

Dog Runs Around In A Giant Tarantula Costume

They put their dog in a tarantula costume… and let it chase people. If you saw this thing coming at you, you would definitely run.

SEE ALSO: Spider dog prank: scary or hilarious

Easily one of the funniest, most brilliant pranks I’ve ever seen.





Dog Runs Around In A Giant Tarantula Costume

Weird Things That Are Falling From The Sky

We’re all familiar with the phrase “raining cats and dogs,” but what about spiders and frogs? Since biblical times, there have been reports of strange things falling from the sky, often with little or no explanation, leaving people baffled – and often messy.

SEE ALSO: The most unusual weather events

Here are ten things that have actually tried their hand at being weather. Check them out and better start carrying an umbrella everywhere.

Weird Things That Are Falling From The Sky

Incredible Photos Showing How A Locust Lays Eggs

Locusts are the swarming phase of certain species of short-horned grasshoppers in the family Acrididae. These are species that can breed rapidly under suitable conditions and subsequently become gregarious and migratory when their populations become dense enough.

SEE ALSO: Apocalyptic like locust swarm invades Madagascar

Locusts are well known as a biblical plague. But you know more about them? Why are they so rapidly reproduce and how?

Have you ever wondered what it looks like when a locust lays eggs? Well, you’re about to find out.

Incredible Photos Showing How A Locust Lays Eggs

Thursday 11 September 2014

The Most Awkward Pregnancy Photos Ever

Nothing is more beautiful than a tasteful portrait of a pregnant belly. But these strange maternity photos made me wonder, “What the heck were they thinking?!”

If you want to take really awkward photos of yourself while you’re pregnant, this is how you do it.

SEE ALSO: Traditional russian wedding pictures

The Most Awkward Pregnancy Photos Ever

Oscar Pistorious Crime Scene Photos (18+ WARNING: SOME PHOTOS MIGHT BE DISTURBING!)

Oscar Pistorius is a leading South African runner, who won attention as an athlete with a disability competing at a high level, including multiple Paralympic Games and the 2012 Summer Olympics. Reeva Steenkamp, a model, was his girlfriend. In the early morning of Thursday, 14 February 2013, Steenkamp was shot and killed by Pistorius at his Pretoria home. He acknowledged that he shot Steenkamp to death and said that he mistook her for an intruder. He was taken into police custody and formally charged with murder.

Today he has pleaded not guilty to all charges, including the “wilful and intentional murder of Reeva Steenkamp”.

CBC asks: ”Is it a country so crime-ridden and haunted by the fear and distrust of the apartheid legacy that shooting through a toilet door in a blind panic in the middle of a guarded, gated community is conceivable?

Or is it a country where gun culture rules and young men in particular are raised with a sense of violence, anger and impunity?

Or both.”

Here are some of the crime scene photos that have been shown during Oscar Pistorius’ murder trial in South Africa.


Oscar Pistorious Crime Scene Photos (18+ WARNING: SOME PHOTOS MIGHT BE DISTURBING!)

One Of The Last Pictures Taken At The World Trade Center

Today is the 13th anniversary of the attacks on the WTC. It was a great tragedy of many people. Those who miraculously escaped death, probably still have goose bumps at the memory of those events.

SEE ALSO: Incredibly peaceful and clean New York City in the 1930s

On September 10th 2001, this family was one of the last families to stand at the top of the World Trade Center.

The picture is now haunting knowing what would happen the next day. [via]


One Of The Last Pictures Taken At The World Trade Center

Spooky Coincidences? Or Greater Powers?

The rational part of our brain tells us that there is nothing weird about coincidences. When you have all of human history to work with, you’re going to find some spooky situations.

Some of these are truly and deeply weird.

SEE ALSO: Two events in history that you never would’ve guessed happened around the same time

Spooky Coincidences? Or Greater Powers?

Wednesday 10 September 2014

If Disney Princes Were Real

What would it be like to date a Disney prince if he were real? Find out if it’s indeed all nice and rosy in this under five-minute-long short, titled ‘If Disney Princes Were Real’.

SEE ALSO: Fallen princesses by Dina Goldstein

This is why Prince Charming, Prince Eric, Aladdin, the Beast, Snow White’s prince, Prince Naveen, and Captain Shang would make terrible boyfriends:

If Disney Princes Were Real

Hidden Portrait Of Jules Verne And More Stunning Anamorphic Art

Artist, Verne Gyula,  has hidden a portrait within a portrait. When placed in a normal position this looks like a portrait of a shipwreck but when it’s placed in a cylinder, it’s a portrait of Jules Verne.

SEE ALSO: Optical illusions to blow your mind

An anamorphosis is a deformed image that appears in its true shape when viewed in some “unconventional” way. This technique was created in the late Renaissance (16th century).

Here is more fo stunning anamorphic artworks that can only be seen with a mirror cylinder:

Hidden Portrait Of Jules Verne And More Stunning Anamorphic Art

Heartwarming Animal Stories

If you’ve ever doubted that animals have souls and are capable of caring on a deep level, this is going to change your mind. We often forget that they do express love and compassion in their own way.

SEALSO: Weird animals on the verge of extinction that are too cool to lose

Sometimes this expression of compassion is even more powerful than anything us humans could produce. Here are some examples of animals being the beautiful creatures that we know they are.

Heartwarming Animal Stories

Hospital Meals From Around The World

Put aside the fact that nobody ever really wants to end up in hospital, sadly it does occur for more or less serious reasons. If you’ve ever spent some time there you will know that the food they serve isn’t always that tasty.  However, one would hope that these meals are scientifically thought out at least…

SEE ALSO: Portraits of Grandmas and their cuisine from around the world by Gabriele Galimberti

Of course you’ll often get to pick your dish amongst a little list – which will also depend on your condition – but between what you’ll see on the paper and what you’ll actually discover in your plate, hmmm you could be in for quite a surprise!

Patients in Sydney, for instance, are treated to a warm meal of pumpkin soup, apricot chicken, peas and mashed potatoes, while those in Poland are given bread, a pickle, and an unappetizngly pink sausage.

Hospital Meals From Around The World

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Animal Camouflage Is An Art Of Survival

In nature, every advantage increases an animal’s chances of survival, and therefore its chances of reproducing. This simple fact has caused animal species to evolve a number of special adaptations that help them find food and keep them from becom­ing food.

One of the most widespread and varied adaptations is natural camouflage, an animal’s ability to hide itself from predator and prey.

Animals that are often hunted by predators use camouflage in order to hide in plain sight, and predators will use camouflage in order to sneak up on prey without giving them a chance to do much protesting.

SEE ALSO: The artwork of Liu Bolin – The Invisible Man

Animal Camouflage Is An Art Of Survival

Stadiums On The Roofs Of Chinese Schools

This solution is a result of a lack of construction land on the campus’. The track on the roof perfectly solved the problem. And kids love the new playgrounds.

“Under the circumstances that limited land cannot provide enough space for students to exercise in, we chose to challenge the concept that playgrounds and tracks have to be on the ground,”said Ruan Hao, chief architect.

Stadiums On The Roofs Of Chinese Schools

Google Glass Can Now Read Your Emotions

Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute is working on bringing facial recognition to Google Glass. Researchers are working on creating an app for the wearable electronic device that allows users to identify a person(s)’s level of emotion. It also estimates gender and age.

It can analyze facial features by comparing your subject to a database of over 10,000.

SEE ALSO: This MIT 3d shape-shifting project called inForm will blow you mind

The software is being called SHORE (Sophisticated High-Speed Object Recognition).

Good news is that this technology could potentially be useful for some individuals on the autism spectrum. People with autism often struggle with reading emotions, which can lead to social isolation. With this app, they’ll be able to recognize how those around them feel and can react appropriately with confidence.

Watch a demonstration of the SHORE technology in the video below.

For more info, check out SHORE at the Fraunhofer Institute.

Google Glass Can Now Read Your Emotions

Monday 8 September 2014

Amazing Fire-Breathing Robotic Dragon

Imagine driving to work in the morning, only to run into a massive mechanical dragon walking through the city streets to its own theme music. That’s what happened to the people of Nantes, France, who were greeted by the sight of Long Ma, a fire-breathing mechanized dragon sculpture.

SEE ALSO: Worlds 10 most amazing robots

The dragon is actually a sign of peace, built in recognition of the 50 year anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China. In fact, the dragon will be in Beijing October 17-19.

The huge yellow dragon weighs about 46 tons and measures in at about 40 feet tall. The sculpture was created by the talented French designer François Delarozière and his team La Machine. Long Ma Jing Shen, or “Spirit of the Dragon Horse,” is the name of the dragon.

For more info on the impressive dragon and other cool projects, check out La Machine on Facebook.

Amazing Fire-Breathing Robotic Dragon

5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now

Have you ever wondered how social media and the Internet are affecting your brain?

As crazy as it seems, technology has begun to rewire our nervous system and our brains are being triggered in a way they never have before in history.

Thanks to the wonderful online world, you may never be the same again!

SEE ALSO: How to disappear online

5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now

The Stunning Floating Lantern Festival In Thailand That You Must See Before You Die

Each November thousands of people gather in northern Thailand to launch hot-air lanterns into the night sky.

SEE ALSO: 3 reasons to travel while you are young

As Mica, a person who experienced the festival first-hand wrote on her blog, Travel This Earth:

“It was an incredible moment to see all those lanterns floating away, and as they got further and further they looked like a newly formed giant constellation. Thai music filled my ears as it began playing over a loudspeaker and I watched a thousand lanterns fill the night sky. This is not something that we’ll forget.”

The Stunning Floating Lantern Festival In Thailand That You Must See Before You Die

Spider Dog Prank! Scary Or Hilarious?

Meet Chica the SpiderDog! SA Wardega created this goofy prank and the Internet LOVES it!

What would you do if you saw SpiderDog running after you?

SEE ALSO: Most epic texting pranks of all time!

Spider Dog Prank! Scary Or Hilarious?

Sunday 7 September 2014

Photos Of Some Of The Interesting Things You May Not Know Yet

The photos you’ll see here are a random selection of some of the interesting things you may not know yet.  And the easiest way to learn is to view pictures.

Learn something new.

SEE MORE: Interesting photos from the past

Photos Of Some Of The Interesting Things You May Not Know Yet

Fascinating Statistics About Almost Everything

These statistics cover just about everything you would want to know about. The information you are about read is quite fascinating and could help you on your journey through life.

SEE ALSO: Maps of seven deadly sins in America

Fascinating Statistics About Almost Everything

Saturday 6 September 2014

Unforgettable Mug Shots

You don’t need to be a celebrity for your mug shot to be newsworthy. These photos are proof for that.

Fortunately cops don’t care if you’re having a bad hair day.

SEE ALSO: Celebrity mugshots and interesting stories behind them

Unforgettable Mug Shots

Russian Mafia Gravestones

Shortly after the Soviet Union was officially dissolved on December 26, 1991, Russia’s doors opened to private enterprise in an explosion of capitalist activity. Fresh money flowed in to the country. Since the Russian mafia and the Russian government were basically the same thing, the mob grew very rich, very quickly.

And when there’s new money flowing through the mafia, people start dying.

Now the only reminders of the gangsters that made up the Russian mobs in the 1990s are their tombstones. The men are sculpted standing in designer suits and leather jackets. That’s exactly what happens when idiots get to have loads of money.

SEE ALSO: Mexican drug lord busted by his Instagram feed

Russian Mafia Gravestones

Friday 5 September 2014

Video That Explains The Surprising And Mind-Blowing Science Facts About Neutron Stars

Neutron Stars are some of the most strange things in the Universe. They are basically atoms as big as mountains with properties so extrem that it is mind-blowing. One sugar cube sizes pieces is as massive as Mount Everest!

And if you get too close to a neutron star you are in big trouble…

SEE ALSO: 9-year-old discusses the meaning of life and the universe

Video That Explains The Surprising And Mind-Blowing Science Facts About Neutron Stars

The Severity Of The California Drought (Before And After Photos)

This California drought is no joke.

With California facing one of the most severe droughts on record, Governor Brown declared a drought State of Emergency in January and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for water shortages. The state has continued to lead the way to make sure California is able to cope with an unprecedented drought. [READ MORE]

You might not think twice about it when you it gets brought up in the news but these pictures are sure to get your attention.

All of the before pictures are from just 3 years ago compared to the after pictures which were taken a few weeks ago.

SEE ALSO: How Earth has changed

The Severity Of The California Drought (Before And After Photos)

How To Disappear Online

Have you ever wanted to disappear online?

Following various reports about companies stealing information and complaints about oversharing on social media, a web hosting firm has created a nine-step guide on how to disappear from the web completely.

Read on to discover how to remove your private info from Internet.

SEE ALSO: Social media prank shows why you need to manage your privacy settings asap


How To Disappear Online

Why Couples Should Smoke Weed Together

It’s widely believed that people who smoke pot are peaceful and not violent. Now, a new study is showing that couples that smoke together have less domestic violence incidents!

SEE ALSO: Your brain on marijuana explained

Join Laci as she discusses why this might be.

Why Couples Should Smoke Weed Together

Thursday 4 September 2014

During This Week In 1939 Germany Invaded Poland

World War II was a global conflict that resulted in more deaths than any other war. It involved the vast majority of the world’s nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.

It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million people, from more than 30 different countries.

SEE ALSO: 15 times World War III nearly started

World War II was one of the darkest times in human history. During this week in 1939 Germany invaded Poland and this is what it looked like. We must acknowledge our past so that we don’t repeat it.

During This Week In 1939 Germany Invaded Poland

It Could Be Rough To Get A Little Brother Or Sister

Being an only child is hard. Your parents put all their hopes and dreams into you, and if you screw up… well, you can’t screw up! Being an only child also means you get to be the center of attention, 24/7. What’s better than that?

SEE ALSO: Kids wrote the weirdest things

Unfortunately, some only children wake up one day and realize something horrible: they’re about to get a little brother or sister. Let’s see how they deal with it. Younger siblings are not so bad, are they?

It Could Be Rough To Get A Little Brother Or Sister

10 Worst Parents In History

There’s no guide book to parenthood. Working out the best ways to love and educate your kids is part of the joy and challenge of raising the next generation. But some people just shouldn’t have children.

SEE ALSO: Do’s and dont’s with babies: Visual instructions for new parents

From those who tried to sell their baby to those that starved them to death, we run through the 10 worst parents in history.

10 Worst Parents In History

Weird Animals On The Verge Of Extinction That Are Too Cool To Lose

As the human population grows, deforestation increases. As a result, many animals are at risk of extinction, due to the loss of their natural habitat. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point.

SEE ALSO: Drastic campaign ads promoting environmental protection

If we don’t do something now, this could be the end of these animals.

Weird Animals On The Verge Of Extinction That Are Too Cool To Lose

Wednesday 3 September 2014

What Is The Earth Worth?

Earth is the only planet that we know of that has the means of sustaining human life. So, it’s pretty priceless.

But what if we look at the matter more objectively? Forged over 4.6 billion years, the Earth is stacked with valuable riches, from timber to cattle to gold.  If the raw materials of Earth were all given a value and added up, how much would it be worth?

Vsauce looks at ways to quantify the value of Earth.

SEE ALSO: Top to bottom: Exploring Earths surface from peaks to mysterious depths

What Is The Earth Worth?

Smugglers' Tricks

These are some of the tricks smugglers were busted using. You won’t believe your eyes when you see this.

This is the reason why we need stand on those long lines at the airport check-in counters of customs department.

SEE ALSO: Bizzare dangerous things confiscated at airports

Which one of these smuggling tricks do you like the most? Tell us in comments below.

Smugglers' Tricks

The Hidden Truth of Home Makeover Shows

We all know that reality TV isn’t always real. When the cameras stop rolling, there are shocking secrets to be discovered.

SEE ALSO: The truth behind your favorite reality shows

The fact is that actual reality isn’t usually that interesting (if someone followed you around with a camera on an average day, would people want to watch it?!) so instead, producers are forced to create situations and encourage interactions that make ‘reality’ a little bit more interesting.

Ever wondered what really happens on home makeover shows when the cameras stop rolling? Just take a look at the infographic below.


If you think that this is the only reality show that is not entirely true, be sure to see this article: The truth behind your favorite reality shows

The Hidden Truth of Home Makeover Shows

Victims of Synthol: How Bodybuilders Are Injecting Fat Into Their Arms

Some bodybuilders are turning to extreme methods in order to achieve the perfect pecs.  Some went too far by making a dangerous injections. They risks serious infection or even death for their look.

Synthol was concocted in the 1990s by the bodybuilding guru Chris Clarke. It’s a ‘site enhancement oil’, consisting of fatty acids that accumulate in the muscle tissue where you inject the oil. As a result muscles grow at a fantastic rate. Injecting Synthol does nothing to increase muscular performance.

SEE ALSO: The evolution of the bodybuilding

Everybody can get big by using anabolic steroids, but big does not always equal better. First, it could be very dangerous if the injections are not done properly and secondly, look how it deforms their bodies.

Don’t try this at home kids.

Victims of Synthol: How Bodybuilders Are Injecting Fat Into Their Arms

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Weird And Funny Clothing Tags

Have you ever seen something ridiculous written on the tags of your clothes? Probably not, because who even bothers to look at those things? Luckily some people did.


SEE MORE: Funny instructions on the clothes care labels

In addition to not shrinking the t-shirt they just bought after wearing it once, they also found some pretty hilarious and wildly unnecessary instructions on them. Take a look!

Weird And Funny Clothing Tags

Apocalyptic-Like Locust Swarm Invades Madagasca

A swarm of millions of locusts descended upon Madagascar’s capital of Antananarivo on Aug. 28, slowing traffic and blotting out the skies over the city.

SEE ALSO: Termite swarm in New Orleans

It reminds us of the 10 plagues of Egypt. But while the prospect of billions of bugs taking over a city is the stuff of nightmares, the pedestrians in the video appeared to be quite unfazed, just going about their day, as if to say: “Oh, what, these locusts? Just hand me an umbrella, I got to get to the bank.”

This video of a locust invasion in Madagascar will give you nightmares.

Apocalyptic-Like Locust Swarm Invades Madagasca

Freaky Body Modifications

What the hell is wrong with these people?! What do you suppose someone like this is trying to tell us about themselves?

Many times we showed you failed tattoos and weird body modifications. So please, be careful about what you get done on your body.

Freaky Body Modifications

The Worlds Most Dangerous Careers

When you are sitting at the office, is your biggest risk running out of coffee? Not so for these brave employees, for whom going to work every day can be life-threatening.

What are some of the most hazardous professions in the world? Wonder no more, just check this post.

SEE ALSO: List of the highest and lowest paid jobs in America


SEE ALSO: List of the highest and lowest paid jobs in America

The Worlds Most Dangerous Careers

Monday 1 September 2014

Understanding ALS - SciShow News Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge

SciShow News explains the science behind ALS, the disease that has inspired millions to take the Ice Bucket Challenge. Learn what ALS is, what we do and don’t know about it, and watch SSN hosts take the challenge themselves!

SEE ALSO: Amnesty International awareness campaign not here but now

The Ice Bucket Challenge is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someone’s head to promote awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and encourage donations to research. It went viral on social media during July-August 2014

The challenge dares nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads and then nominating others to do the same. A common stipulation is that nominated participants have 24 hours to comply or forfeit by way of a charitable financial donation.

Ice Bucket Challenge generated more than $100 million in donations in a single month, a staggering amount considering the organization took in only $2.5 million for all of 2013.

Understanding ALS - SciShow News Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge

Cool Chocolate LEGO Bricks By Akihiro Mizuuchi

Usually, LEGOs are simply a choking hazard as far as eating them is concerned. But Japanese artist and designer Akihiro Mizuuchi has solved that problem by making everybody’s childhood dreams come true – he has created edible chocolate LEGOs.

SEE ALSO: The first LEGO catalog from 1955

The bricks, which are made of white, milk, dark and pink chocolate, are totally functional. These seem pretty cool, but I expect that there might be one critical design flaw – no structure larger than a handful of bricks will survive the sweet and delicious construction process. [via]

For more please visit artist’s website

Cool Chocolate LEGO Bricks By Akihiro Mizuuchi

Beautifully Photographs Rrom The Edge Of Fantasy By Ravshaniya

The dynamic Ravshaniya’s images are the result of artist’s patient work a lot of effort, planning and near perfect execution. Quite a powerful combination.

SEE ALSO: 7 simple photography hacks

To create such dynamic photos, Uzbekistan based artist, uses cranes or hoists to locate appropriate objects, especially if working outdoors. In outdoor photos she often relies on various systems of strings. All traces of fasteners are removed in post-production. Ravshaniya uses only natural light, so finding the suitable location should never be a simple task. Being on the spot, she can work a few hours on one cadre.

See the excellent series of expressive shots!

Check more of the work on:
Personal Website | 500px | Facebook

Beautifully Photographs Rrom The Edge Of Fantasy By Ravshaniya

Cool Anatomical X-Ray Gifs That Show How Joints Work

Ever wondered what your skeleton looks like in motion? Take a look at these gifs of joints in action under X-ray.

Most people don’t really think about joints unless they start to become painful. In fact, their motion is really quite beautiful, but that beauty can be hard to appreciate because we usually can’t see how the bones are sliding around relative to one another.

This time it will be possible thanks to these X-rays gifs created by Cameron Drake of San Francisco. He has created a collection of magnificent images showing joints in motion. He was aided by orthopedic physician Dr. Noah Weiss and the finished product is completely amazing.

SEE ALSO: Most bizarre X-Rays in the history of medicine


If you’d like to know more about the project, please check out Drake’s blog. Dr. Weiss also has a blog to feature these awesome images.

Please Note: Most of the credit for this work belongs to Dr. Noah Weiss for conceiving the idea and producing the footage. To See the final Gifs in action visit: http://weissortho.com

Cool Anatomical X-Ray Gifs That Show How Joints Work