Monday 30 June 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio Throws $7 Million Into the Ocean

Leonardo DiCaprio the famous Hollywood actor and longtime environmental activist pledges to donate $7 Million towards Ocean conservation projects within the next two years.

SEE ALSO: How ocean trash can start and end

Leonardo DiCaprio before he became an actor, wanted to be a marine biologist. Also, he likes to dive in his spare time and he has seen “endless underwater utopia” turn to bleached coral reefs and massive dead zones especially off the coast of the Australian Great Barrier Reef. So, he has has already contributed $3 million to non-profit marine conservation group Oceana.

Help Protect Our Ocean

Whether you live on the coast or hours from the closest beach, we all depend on the ocean. The ocean is critical to maintaining life on Earth, contributing to our livelihoods and our well-being. Yet, the ocean is facing significant challenges, such as unsustainable fishing practices, marine pollution, and ocean acidification. The good news is that there are solutions.

Watch Secretary John Kerry explain what you can do to create a healthier ocean.

You can also sign up for the Department of State’s first Thunderclap to bring awareness to what each and every one of us can do to protect our ocean. SIGN HERE

Leonardo DiCaprio Throws $7 Million Into the Ocean

The Idea Of Global Internet Via Satellite

NASA scientists say the first tests of what could someday become an outer space Internet have far surpassed their expectations.

“It’s been beyond what we expected,” said Don Cornwell, the Lunar Laser Communications Mission manager at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “We obviously expected it would work well, but this is even better… Everything going better than we thought it would. We’re running these systems error free.”

SEE ALSO: Japanese Engineers planning to get POWER from MOON

This infographic contains all the information that you should know about the Internet from space.

Space Internet


The Idea Of Global Internet Via Satellite

Children Raised by Animals

A feral child is a human child who has lived away from human contact from a very young age, and has little or no experience of human care, loving or social behavior, and, crucially, of human language. Feral children are confined by humans (often parents), brought up by animals, or live in the wild in isolation.

SEE ALSO: Photos showing life of a kid raised by drug addicts

There have been over one hundred reported cases of feral children, and this is a selection of ten of them. Unlike Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book, these tales of feral kids surviving in the wild are decidedly darker and reportedly true.

Children Raised by Animals

There Is One Weird Fear All Humans Share

Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energized muscles, among other things, also known as the fight-or-flight response. There is many different fears and phobias, but it seems that there is ONE weird fear we all share.

SEE ALSO: Extreme fearless people

A new study coming out of the University of Chicago found that all humans have innate fear of things that are moving closer to them! Why is this? Tara explains how evolution led to this fear that we all share.

There Is One Weird Fear All Humans Share

Celebrities And Their Historical Doppelgangers

If you think about the billions of people who were born and died on this earth, it can make your brain hurt. With all those billions of people it’s possible for people from the past to resemble people of the future.  While some people think that the celebrities are actually vampires, others believe in the conspiracy theories that the famous people are clones or descendants of former politicians, artists, philosophers and even criminals.

SEE ALSO: Russian doppelgangers of the famous people

When we saw these photos we couldn’t help but stare at the incredible similarity between these celebs and their counterparts. Here are 20 celebrities and their historical doppelgangers.

Celebrities And Their Historical Doppelgangers

Have You Ever Noticed That All Movie Posters Look The Same?

Many times we laughed at reproductions of Hollywood posters from other countries. Meanwhile, it turns out that we definitely should first check our native design. Why? Because there are striking similarities between literally hundreds of movie and television promotional posters. 

SEE ALSO: Pretty amazing famous film posters drawn by artists from Ghana

Hollywood has run out of good ideas. Studios use the same design, color scheme and even fonts in countless movie posters. See for yourself… and you’ll never un-see it!

Have You Ever Noticed That All Movie Posters Look The Same?

They Got Exactly What They Deserved

Don’t believe in karma? You will after this… You will… Like John Lennon said: “Instant karma’s gonna get you, Gonna kick you right in head.”

SEE ALSO: Great examples of instant karma (28 GIFs)

Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of Karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve.

They Got Exactly What They Deserved

Sunday 29 June 2014

Unique Plant Provides Natural Lighting Without Electricity

Like the glowing forests from the film “Avatar,” glow-in-the-dark plantsare coming to your home. Engineers have created the first light producing plant called the Starlight Avatar, in an attempt of synthetic biology.

SEE ALSO: Bioluminescence in the ocean

The amazing plant from the company Bioglow, is made by splicing genes from a bioluminescent bacteria with Nicotiana alata, a common plant.

During the past three decades several plants have been described as having a glowing effect. However, these plants were either painted with dye, required chemicals or needed ultraviolet (UV) light to induce a temporary light emission effect. Bioglow’s plants are the first autonomously luminescent, or autoluminescent, plants that emit light on their own without the need for chemicals or UV light.

Similar to fireflies and other luminous organisms found in nature, the autoluminescent plant’s light emission machinery is encoded on a cellular level allowing the plant to constantly emit visible light during its life cycle. Bioglow’s work is dedicated to bringing a cleaner, sustainable and affordable plant-based light alternatives to the world.

The natural phenomenon of bioluminescence, the biological mechanisms found in nature that produce light, have fascinated Bioglow’s founder Dr. Alexander Krichevsky for many years. Dr. Krichevsky studied both bioluminescence of marine bacteria and molecular biology of plants, and at the intersection of these two disciplines the idea of a glowing plant has emerged.

Unique Plant Provides Natural Lighting Without Electricity

Is The Next Steve Jobs Living In A Remote Russian Town?

Meet Maxim Kamanin, the young inventor of a truly jaw-dropping new technology with limitless applications that will eliminate the need for screens and monitors — and all manner of electronic junk.

SEE ALSO: Shocking facts about Steve Jobs

Maxim built the first prototype of interactive air display and attracted the attention of international media and the first investors. At the same time he founded the Displair LLC.

It is the company with the mission to make the world a more visually clean and beautiful, creating environmentally safe technologies that delight people and allows an easy and natural interaction with information.

Is The Next Steve Jobs Living In A Remote Russian Town?

7 Proven Methods for Detoxing and Cleansing Your Body of Toxins

With the myriad of toxins we’re exposed to in modern society, we’re faced with an increasing burden of unnatural substances that invade our bodies, from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides to air and water pollution, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals in our food, and the list goes on.

Our current unhealthy living conditions call for a few radical corrective measures, if our goal is to maintain any level of healthy lifestyle. One of those corrective measures is to partake in a holistic detox.

SEE ALSO: Why dehydration is making you fat and sick

The following is a list of various recommendations to effectively lessen your internal toxin levels, which can be done in any combination for increased effectiveness. For optimum results, these should be applied on a regular or seasonal basis, and at minimum once a year.

1. Include plenty of deep colored vegetables, herbs and algae in your dietary arsenal

Cilantro, parsley, alfalfa, and a blue-green algae, chlorella, are three extremely powerful chemical and heavy metal chelators. Dark green vegetables and herbs alkalize and purify the blood, making it easier for the body to rid itself of wastes with less discomfort or “healing crisis” (when the loosening of toxic debris causes a sick or flu- like reaction). You can juice these, include them in salads, and/or mix powdered forms into water or juice for a quick and effective dose.

2. Try fasting with lemon water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup

This is a radical, but very effective method of giving your digestive system a much needed break from the constant intake of less than optimal foods and flushing out harmful substances. A period of 3 to 7 days, 3 to 4 times a year is a sufficient and proactive strategy. (Use as much lemon as possible, with just enough maple syrup to make it palatable.) Drink as much as desired throughout the day.

Of course lemon water anytime has great benefits.

3. Fast with juice! A grade-a health-boosting method for health

Devote 3 to 14 days (or more for the advanced juice faster) to consuming only fresh, organic, unpasteurized vegetable and fruit juices. Kale, celery, cucumber, beet, carrot, lettuce, ginger and lemon are all excellent choices for neutralizing acidity in the body, increasing our nutrient levels, and flushing our systems of unwanted materials. Remember to actually juice real foods, and not buy bottled juices from supermarkets.

4. Apply a series of enemas, professional colonics, or a colon cleanse

Every substance that goes into our mouths ends up in our colons, where our bodies absorb nutrients, as well as any pollutants that came along for the ride. Though enemas and colon cleanses may seem uncomfortable or strange, cleaning the colon on a regular basis is considered by many experts to be an essential action to take in maintaining an internally clean, healthy environment. Colonics may not be for everyone, so a high-quality colon cleanser could be the preferred choice.

5. Eat a diet of predominantly high water content, ripe fruits, green leafy vegetables, and juiced vegetable

Try this: Eat only fruit and/or vegetable juice for breakfast, and as much as desired. Again for lunch have as much fruit and juice as desired, followed by a large colorful salad with any dairy free dressing. For dinner, eat more fruit if possible, followed by another large salad consisting of as many vegetables as desired. Top it off with a baked sweet potato, yam, or red/purple potatoes, and add spices (preferably low salt). Heavier foods like meat, dairy, beans, and even most grains will slow down, or even stop the detoxification process, so be conservative with these foods if you really want to experience results.

6. Sweat it out!

Detoxing your body naturally through sweating is very important. Through moderate amounts of cardio exercise, wastes is removed through pores on the skin. Aim to sweat at least fifteen minutes every day. You can even follow up with a detoxifying brushing of our skin from head to toe with a boar bristle brush to remove dead skin cells that clog the pores.

7. Get plenty of sleep!

Sleeping causes your body to go into a state of cleansing and regeneration. Without proper and sufficient sleep, detoxification organs don’t get the full recharge they need to function at optimal levels. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, in a dark, noiseless environment for optimal results.

In addition to applying these seven steps to detoxifying from hazardous foods and environmental substances, it’s important to remember to hydrate and cleanse your body by drinking plenty of mineralized purified water daily (half of body weight in ounces).

We should be cautious and conscious in our daily lifestyle choices. Consuming safe, natural, and nutrient rich foods, beverages, supplements, and body products, as well as cleansing, hydrating, and detoxifying are the foundation of a proper chemical balance. A higher awareness of our internal and external environments is key. It’s much easier to prevent toxification and maintain a healthy body than attempt to clean up damage that’s already been done. As in life, being proactive beats being reactive by a long shot.

Additional Sources:
“The Detox Miracle Sourcebook” by Dr. Robert Morse ND.

Jan Edwards |

Read more: Natural Society

7 Proven Methods for Detoxing and Cleansing Your Body of Toxins

Coconut Crab: The Bigest Terrestrial Arthropod In The World!

Imagine crabs that can eat kittens! Among terrestrial arthropods, the phylum that includes crustaceans, spiders and insects, coconut crabs are the largest on the planet. The crabs, which live on islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans, can grow up to three feet across and weigh nine pound (4.1 kg).

SEE ALSO: 10 creatures that lived longer than the oldest known human

It has the ability to crack or pound open coconuts with its strong pincers. The soft white meat of the coconut forms the main part of the crab’s diet. So how does this creature actually find its food? Well, it finds food with its extremely well-developed sense of smell. Like an insect, it uses antennae to zero in on its vittles, but takes this to an extreme by devoting considerable brainpower to the sense.

Some believe this excellent sense of smell, in fact, led the coconut crabs to a dead or dying Amelia Earhart. According to one theory, Earhart did not drown in the Pacific but instead crash landed on Nikumaroro, a remote atoll in the Pacific. However, it is only a rumor.

Well, coconut crab can almost eat everything from kittens to items like its own exoskeleton. 


Coconut Crab: The Bigest Terrestrial Arthropod In The World!

Jaw-Dropping Bike Ride Over 72ft Canyon

Watch the world record mountain bike flip of Kelly McGarry at Red Bull Rampage 2013 on high mountains of Utah.

SEE ALSO: Hover bike: Star Wars technology brought to life

Jaw-Dropping Bike Ride Over 72ft Canyon

Saturday 28 June 2014

Benefits of Buying Environmentally-Friendly Car

With all the talk about global warming and energy efficiency these days, many people have become increasingly interested in the cause of car emissions. The pollution from automobiles is one of the leading causes of air pollution and climate change.

Whether you own one of these cars now, later or never, you’ll benefit from their influence.

SEE ALSO: Terrafugia: the worlds first flying car

In this infographic you can see the benefits of buying environmentally-friendly car emitting less pollution than gasoline powered vehicles, also how to make more economical the conventional ones.


Benefits of Buying Environmentally-Friendly Car

Differences Between North And South Korea

Actually, North Korean is a communist dictatorship now led by Kim Jong un and his generals. He is very oppressive and they’re in a famine.  South Korea is a clean, technologically advanced country with happy faces.

SEE ALSO: Americans seen by North Koreans

North Korea and South Korea are like two totally different worlds. These photographs show the differences between everyday life in North and South Korea.

Differences Between North And South Korea

Vaping vs. Smoking Pot: Which is Better For You?

New York is the next US state set to legalize medical marijuana, but you may not be able to smoke it! The new law also bars smoking the marijuana flower, and instead limits people to either taking pills, consuming the plant’s oils or extracts, or “vaporizing” the drug.

SEE ALSO: Smoking is not the best way to consume marijuana

Tara breaks down the difference between vaping and smoking weed.

Vaping vs. Smoking Pot: Which is Better For You?

Crisis In Iraq Explained In Under 5 Minutes

There is war in Iraq? Again? And the US and Iran are talking about working together? And who is this ISIS Terrorist group that is all over the news? And Religion? Oh dear… When exactly has the world gone mad again?

SEE ALSO: Life in Afghanistan before the Taliban

It is not possible to explain a complicated topic like this without simplification. We are very aware that this video is not painting a full picture of the situation. But we hope that it may lay the foundation on which you can try to do your own research and understand how horribly Fu**ed up the whole situation is.

Crisis In Iraq Explained In Under 5 Minutes

What Happens to Your Social Media Profiles After You Die?

One of life’s most perplexing existential questions gets a lot more complicated when you factor in social media.When people die, they leave certain things behind, including all their online profiles, email accounts, and social media information.

SEE ALSO: How do we die? Causes of death in 1900 vs today

While some sites, including Facebook and Twitter, have policies related to death, accounts often remain dormant until deleted due to inactivity or family or friends take action. As the internet age progresses it will come to a point where inactive accounts of deceased people will outnumber those of active users.



What Happens to Your Social Media Profiles After You Die?

Friday 27 June 2014

Japan Unveils World's First Android Newscaster

Japanese scientists unveiled what they said was the world’s first news-reading android, eerily lifelike and possessing a sense of humour to match her perfect language skills.

SEE ALSO: Advanced humanoid Atlas robot is unveiled

For now, the android will be working at Tokyo’s National Museum of Emerging Sciene and Innovation conversing with visitors and gathering information on human/android interactions. Designed by leading robotics professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, the hope is that the android will learn to better communicate with real people so that human will be more open to an ever-increasing android presence.

Hopefully it won’t turn out like an anime version of the classic “They took our jobs!” South Park episode.

Japan Unveils World's First Android Newscaster

List Of The Highest and Lowest Paid Jobs in America

The size of your paycheck will depend largely on the line of work you choose – or qualify to do. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics offers a look at where you can expect to earn the most and the least.

The results for highest and lowest wages across the U.S. are in and fairly predictable. Physicians top the charts while fast-food employees take the tail end. The list was compiled by a Reddit user who took the median wages of 802 professions spanning the country.

SEE ALSO: How to make money without a job?

So if you’re in the market for a career change, healthcare seems like a safe bet with anesthesiologists topping the entire list.


List Of The Highest and Lowest Paid Jobs in America

This is America By The Numbers

Statistics describe our lives, whether we like it or not. Specialized agencies and institutions collect a whole lot of data on our daily life, health, work and our habits.

SEE ALSO: Bad facts about the USA

Statistics give us a way to look at the big picture and get a much more accurate way of understanding what is going on in the world than what we could get from individual observations.

This is America By The Numbers

The Most Haunted Outdoor Areas In The World

Houses aren’t the only things that can be haunted. These are some of the world’s most haunted outdoor areas. Perhaps the reason they are less often reported is that outdoors, people come and go and are not often in the right spot at the right time, as they might be living in a home. The odds of running into the outdoor haunting might be precious and rare and those who run into them, might not even live there, so there is no report.

SEE ALSO: Can kids see ghosts?

When night falls and the monsters of woods begin to howl, you’ll enter a realm of terror you could not have imagined. What lurks among these trees? What sinister beings have you in their sights? Come, dare to walk among these haunted areas.

The Most Haunted Outdoor Areas In The World

Animated Infographic Shows How A Gun Works

A lot of people out there own guns, but not all of them can say they know and understand everything involved in how a handgun works.

Check out this animated infographic that shows all the inner working of a 1911 .45 handgun. It depicts the guts inside one of the most popular guns, which was used by the United States Armed Forces as the go-to standard-issue sidearm from 1911 until 1985. Its basic function and operation remains in place over 100 years after its inception.

SEE ALSO: What’s inside ammo? A cross section of bullets by Sabine Pearlman

You will appreciate the detailed look at how each component operates. It also puts things in easy-to-understand terms that a firearm owner who may not be fully educated in gun lingo will fully grasp.

Animated Infographic Shows How A Gun Works

Journey To The Center Of The Earth

Everyone has wanted to dig a hole down to the center of the Earth at some time in their lives. Of course, it was always out of reach. But it is still worth to know what this is hidden under the surface.

SEE ALSO: 50 unbelievable facts about Earth

What we find digging deeper and deeper? Giant lizards? Ape-men? Atlantis? Precious dirt? Learn all about what the makes up the Earth as you travel to the core with this infographic.


Journey To The Center Of The Earth

It's Hilarious! President Obama's Face On English Soccer Mug

The English soccer team’s defender Chris Smalling and President Barack Obama don’t seem to have a lot in common, that is, until this week.

SEE ALSO: Simulated fouls in soccer gone bad

An English company, hoping to cash in on World Cup madness, produced coffee mugs using royalty-free pictures of the players to sell for cheap. However, the probably now unemployed person given the task of finding a photo of Chris Smalling mistook a photo resident Barack Obama for the English soccer player. And this is how thousands of mugs with a picture of the president’s face above the label, “Chris Smalling” were made.

Hoping to make the best of the situation, the company put the mugs up for sale on Wholesale Clearance UK. These hilarious souvenir mugs are going for £2,000 ($3,401).

Do you think these two look alike?


It's Hilarious! President Obama's Face On English Soccer Mug

Thursday 26 June 2014

Believe It Or Not, All These Celebrities Are The Same Age

It is amazing to see some celebrities in comparison to each other and to think they are actually of the same age! But see how different they look! Apparently they should consult each other’s plastic surgeons and botox doctors and what not because with age, these are the only things that make them look different!

SEE ALSO: Photos of female celebrities with and without retouching

Which of these shocked you the most?

Believe It Or Not, All These Celebrities Are The Same Age

Map Of Potential US Nuclear Targets

The Cold War is long over. But that doesn’t stop the USA being prepared for all out nuclear war. This map produced by the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) shows likely targets for hypothetical enemies of the US in a nuclear conflict.

SEE ALSO: Time lapse map of every nuclear explosion ever on earth

Mmost interesting is the difference between the 500 and 2000 warhead scenario. The 500 approach is clearly one aimed to eliminate the USA’s most valuable targets, that being population centres and areas of industry. A more retaliatory approach, aiming to do the most damage not necessarily waging effective nuclear war.

The 2000 approach is all about eliminating the USA’s nuclear capability. Perhaps illustrated most by the three clusters in the sparsely populated American mid-west.


Triangles = targets in a 500 warhead scenario (US second strike)

Black dots = targets in a 2000 warhead scenario (US first strike)

Map Of Potential US Nuclear Targets

Realistically Colorized Historical Photos Brought Past To Life

Over the last couple years, an increasingly popular trend online has been to create and share colorized photos from history. Artists  take intriguing old black-and-white photos and bring them to life with color as if they’d been taken only yesterday.

SEE ALSO: Colorizing history

When we see old photos in black and white, we sometimes forget that life back then was experienced in the same vibrant colours that surround us today. This gallery of talented artists helps us remember just that.

Realistically Colorized Historical Photos Brought Past To Life

You Have To See These Interesting Photos From Around The World

Not everyone has the time and the opportunity to travel the world and explore its secrets. That is why we have compiled for you these pictures. They present a whole range of unusual places and events in the life of people.

SEE ALSO: Interesting photos from the past

What all these pictures have in common is that they broaden our knowledge about the world. Let’s see this amazing collection of photos from around the world.

You Have To See These Interesting Photos From Around The World

A Look Inside This Russian Hospital Will Make You Sick

These pictures were taken of a hospital allegedly in Boyarkino village, Russia. It is not far from Moscow, a major city center, but what you will see here will make you sick.

SEE ALSO: Mother brings her dead newborn back to life

It is unbelievable that nowadays there are still places (hospitals!) seem like they have been pulled straight from the Middle Ages. Despite revolting conditions, the hospital is not closed, yet people are forced to use it. They have no other choice.

A Look Inside This Russian Hospital Will Make You Sick

Awesome X-ray Pinup Calendar